Subject: Could this be true?

Some may be skeptical and wonder if this is really true, there is only one way to discover the truth and that's to check it out...

Have you ever heard of the 1st law of thermodynamics?

(Before  you run away screaming, stick with me for a moment and think about this...)


The 1st law of thermodynamics simply states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed but only changed from one form to another.

And this is also known as the conservation of energy.


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Basically, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only transform.

And why would you need or want to know this?


Well, most people live in a illusion (think the Matrix) where they believe manifestation is a process they can use to get something they are missing.

They believe the key ingredients are believing in yourself

And that you have to be deserving of the things you desire.


Well, a mentor has stated (many times in fact!)

“Your net worth will never exceed you self-worth.”

That may seem confusing but it will make sense when you

Put this in perspective to the conservation of energy.

And to understand how you can benefit from this information…


Tap here now to Discover how it can help you  »



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