Subject: Can it be good to be hated?

Do you sometimes feel like you on the edge of a cliff and someone is directly behind you waiting to push you off?


Well, the internet has been a great addition to our lives in many ways-

But it also birthed the horror of the Internet Troll!

And do they love and enjoy their internet platform?


Of course they do!

Because it gives them the ability to hate, hate, hate

Especially those who are successful in their life and business

And they can screech and yell without consequences (well, usually).


Yes your voice is being heard; “Well, Bob how does that affect me?”

When you watch the short video below, you will discover 3 reasons why Maybe you should love the haters…

Tap here now for more »


And here’s a small hint…

Reason #1: You’re never gonna be without them.

In this short video, according to the author, the universe is a balanced place.


Therefore you will always have both praise and the criticism

Both the positive and the negative.

And it helps to realize its just a law of nature and the universe.


Tap here to discover how this can be good for you »


If you always have the goodness without the bad,

And folks telling you how good you are, how great your business is, what a great, kind, generous, and of course, how good looking and “buff”…


Your ego is gonna be out of wack!

But the great news is, then the universe comes in and helps you to step back and see the reality:

Because you now have a hater bringing you back to earth.


So your advice is to embrace the Haters and use their energy in a way That helps you be the success story you are and to show the haters.


Tap here now and learn how to handle the haters »


P.S. Did you know my friend and mentor Keala Kanae has a whole book that is dedicated to these Haters and contains all the “awful” things they say about him?

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