Subject: Are you kidding me?

Sometimes the answer we are looking for is staring us right in the face, but we are just not aware of it therefore we don't really see it...

Could that really be true?

Its been there staring at you all this time and you just didn't notice?

 Well, think about this...

Wouldn’t it be great to discover your purpose in this life?

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Did you know our life purpose is staring most of us in our face


But we just don’t know where to look for it.


Is it because our purpose is actually outside of ourselves?


Or is it because its right there, in plain sight?


Maybe we don’t see it because it is hidden in our every day values.


And maybe one problem is when we think of what our values are or should be, we are confusing ourselves with social idealisms.


Maybe you should think about this instead:


What do you spend all or most of your time, energy and money on?


Are those your real values?


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Taking it to the limit!




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