Subject: Are you gonna let time run out?

Unfortunately, we have bad news for you today…

There are only a few hours left to get in while the getting’s good!


Yes, this means your opportunity to join the Business Launch Challenge is rapidly disappearing.

At 4 pm Pacific time today, the doors will officially close.


Tap here and secure your seat now »


Look at it this way:

Even if you’re not going to do it for yourself,

Do it for someone that you do care about.

You will see the satisfaction in their eyes when you show up

And attend all the family events you've been missing

Just because you had to work for someone else.


“But Bob, what if I can’t do it?”

Don’t sell yourself short,

There are coaches at the challenge

And they will take you through the entire process,

Working with you hand-in-hand

And they will ensure you have everything you need

In order to get your own online biz up and running!


Again, the doors close to your registration in just a few hours: 4 pm PST.

So don’t hesitate, and don’t be late...

Tap here NOW and secure your place before time runs out »



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