Subject: Crying In The Corner

Crying In The Corner

April 9th, 2017 at 10:17 am EDT

Hey Friend, It will be another day of hard labor around the house today. I can’t help but think of the song “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” by George Harrison and The Beatles. I love this tribute to George during the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame In ...

Thoughts on Choosing Acoustic Guitars

April 8th, 2017 at 10:34 am EDT

Hey Friend, Ever notice just when you think you have enough to do, the Universe decides you need something else on your plate? I got a text Thursday from my wife telling me the pool pump was coming on and off. When I got home, it was as I feared. T ...

E Minor as the IVm Chord

April 7th, 2017 at 8:33 am EDT

Hey Friend, The next triad we find as we study the key of B minor is the E minor chord. It is the fourth chord in the harmonic progression. Im IIdim III IVm Vm VI VII Bm C#dim D Em F#m G A We get the notes for E minor from its root scale by takin ...

D Major as the III Chord

April 6th, 2017 at 8:22 am EDT

Hey Friend, It feel like yesterday when we talked about the D major chord… Oh wait, it almost was. This past Sunday, we looked at D major as the major VII chord in the key of E minor. Today, D major is the III chord in the key of B minor. Nothing ...

C# Diminished as the II° Chord

April 5th, 2017 at 8:33 am EDT

Hey Friend, Next up in the key of B minor is C# Diminished (shorthand C#°). C#° is the second triad in the B minor harmonic progression: Im II° III IVm Vm VI VII Bm C#° D Em F#m G A You’ll get it’s primary pitches from the C# minor scal ...

B Minor as the Im Chord

April 4th, 2017 at 8:28 am EDT

Hey Friend, Busy day already… We have new windows being installed today, so there was a rush to take the blinds down this morning. Ever feel like you’re living in a fishbowl? That’s why we waited to take the blinds down! In the last key we l ...

Key of B Minor

April 3rd, 2017 at 8:35 am EDT

Hey Friend, We finished up looking at the chords in the key of E minor yesterday. E minor is the relative minor of G, just as A minor is the relative minor of C major. You’ll notice that the Circle of Fifths works for the minor keys as well as the ...

D Major as the VII Chord

April 2nd, 2017 at 9:13 am EDT

Hey Friend, I am so disappointed in myself! I completely forgot to pull an April fools prank on my kids yesterday. I guess it’s just as well, three out of four of us woke up between 0430 and 0500 hours, so the brains were pretty foggy… The fina ...

C Major as the VI Chord

April 1st, 2017 at 8:44 am EDT

Hey Friend, We’ve come back to trusty old C major in our study of minor keys. The VI chord in the E minor key is C major. We’ve seen C quite a few times now, but I’ll remind you that the combination of the 1 3 5 notes of the C major scale ma ...

B Minor as the Vm Chord

March 31st, 2017 at 8:35 am EDT

Hey [[firtname]], The B minor chord is the fifth chord in the E minor harmonic scale: Im II° III IVm Vm VI VII Em F#° G Am Bm C D B minor is a product of combining the 1 3 5 notes from a B minor scale: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (8) B C# D E F# G A (B) Th ...