Subject: Arpegggio Exercise in A Major

Arpegggio Exercise in A Major

July 10th, 2017 at 8:36 am EDT

Hey Friend, I came across some other exercises I created quite a while ago that fit in well with the current discussion on arpeggios. I guess that should be a clue to me that I need to spend some time going through all the old exercises, maybe shake ...

A Classic Arpeggio Example

July 9th, 2017 at 10:11 am EDT

Hey Friend, I pulled this one out of the archives for today… When you want an arpeggio-based song in a very pure form, you don’t need to look further than Johann Pachelbel’s "Canon in D.” Not only is it beautiful, but it provides you with ...

Spicing Up The Key of G

July 8th, 2017 at 8:50 am EDT

Sometimes a Little “Hysteria" is Good

July 7th, 2017 at 8:36 am EDT

Hey Friend, I’ve got another treat for you today. That is, if you like Def Leppard… The opening riff for the song “Hysteria” (title song for the album “Hysteria”) is another fairly easy piece you can play using arpeggiated fingerings. ...

Arpeggios Aren’t Just for Chords

July 6th, 2017 at 8:37 am EDT

Hey Friend, I don’t have a new set of arpeggio exercises prepared for you yet, so I went on a hunt to find something cool and relevant to share. I think I found some incredibly rich arpeggio lessons for you. This particular lesson is from a ser ...

It’s Never Too Late...

July 5th, 2017 at 8:36 am EDT

Hey Friend, For love, that is. Well, for most things. Like playing guitar. Or starting a new business. Whatever age you are, you might think “if I’d only started when I was…,” or “if I was just a little older…” Naw, quit thinking li ...

Happy Fourth of July

July 4th, 2017 at 8:44 am EDT

Hey Friend, We’ll take a little break from arpeggios today to celebrate the Fourth of July here in the States. What better way to reflect on freedom than to have a listen to our national anthem? The Star Spangled Banner was written by Francis Sco ...

Another Arpeggio Example

July 3rd, 2017 at 8:37 am EDT

Hey Friend, Happy Fourth of July Eve! Hopefully most of you have a cool gig that gave you today off (or at least a half a day). I, however, will be sitting at my desk waiting for calls from clients that are most likely at home enjoying a day off wit ...

Here’s a Cool Example of an Arpeggio (with tabs)

July 2nd, 2017 at 10:18 am EDT

Hey Friend, I wanted to give you a quick example today of a simple arpeggio in action - in a real song. The song is Sara by Fleetwood Mac, and this arpeggio is the intro for the song. What I've done is transposed it from its original key to one w ...

Try This Arpeggio

July 1st, 2017 at 11:13 am EDT

Hey Friend, Thanks for the well-wishes. I am feeling better - not 100%, but much better than yesterday. Fortunately, my wife doesn’t have anything too taxing planned for me today! When we talk about arpeggios, a great place to start experimenting ...