Subject: Some fingerstyle players…

Some fingerstyle players…

May 13th, 2018 at 8:49 am EDT

Hey Friend, Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you're enjoying your Sunday so far… Sorry for missing Friday’s message. My oldest daughter is now in Florence, Italy, and we got a panicked text from her telling us she had forgotten her ATM card. So I s ...

King Tut's curse...

May 9th, 2018 at 8:34 am EDT

No broom necessary for this guitar technique...

May 6th, 2018 at 11:13 am EDT

Hey Friend, Hope you had a festive Cinco de Mayo yesterday… the Dos Equis and tequila was flowing here at the Vance household, and all was good! There are a couple more picking patterns I’d like to talk about. If you recall, we’ve talked abou ...

Get CAGED for some interesting chord voicings...

May 4th, 2018 at 8:31 am EDT

Hey Friend, Oh Friday, how I’ve missed you… The anticipation of the weekend always gets me a little giddy! If you’ve been around me for any length of time, you know my main area of interest is chords, the harmonic aspect of playing guitar. ...

Expand your musical mind...

May 2nd, 2018 at 8:35 am EDT

Hey Friend, First off, sorry about Sunday... I took the day off. It was the wife’s birthday, so instead of sitting down and writing a message to you, I cooked breakfast. Since my wife ALWAYS tells me not to get her anything (and I never listen ...

How to recreate those amp tones (on the cheap?)...

April 27th, 2018 at 8:35 am EDT

Hey Friend, Wednesday, we talked about classic amplifier tones supplied to us by some iconic artists. I mentioned the Internet has made it fairly easy these days to hunt down gear settings. The challenge isn’t in the information - it’s in afford ...

How’d they get that sound?

April 25th, 2018 at 8:34 am EDT

Hey Friend, Isn’t that the eternal question? How did your favorite guitar player get their rig to sound so freakin’ awesome? It’s the stuff of legends, and a cause of endless tweaking on your amplifier controls. Growing up and playing in ba ...

Plucking double stops

April 22nd, 2018 at 12:15 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I put my driving instructor hat on today and took my daughter out for some practice... We graduated from driving around a mall parking lot to actually circling the entire mall - which include driving on a real road! Throw in a little ra ...

Simple hybrid picking practice...

April 20th, 2018 at 8:31 am EDT

Hey Friend, Let’s do a little hybrid picking practice today. I put together a little progression to complement the video lesson I shared from Acoustic Guitar magazine the other day (here it is again if you missed it). A couple things before we ge ...

Like putting chocolate and peanut butter together...

April 18th, 2018 at 8:35 am EDT

Hey Friend, While we could go for many weeks working on economy/directional picking exercises (believe me, I could load you down with so many you’d be good for a year!), we’re going to check out another picking style. Its called Hybrid picking, ...