Subject: Friend, get EVEN MORE with Jamorama this Christmas

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Hey there Friend,

The Jamorama Christmas Sale is still on, but it's ending really soon.


The guys at Jamorama, take learning seriously. There are different ways of learning and applying your knowledge and much of the course is based around an I-play-you-play methodology. You get to play and hear the examples over and over which is great.


However, one thing missing is often context. And that is where learning songs can really bring together everything you've learned. If you're like me, you first picked up the guitar because you heard a great song and wanted to learn to play it.


Learning a song brings together lots of musical concepts as well as letting you practice the chords, strums and rhythms you've learned. And that's why this Christmas you'll also receive 30 days FREE access to SongPond with 2 song credits.


SongPond is a site we put together to fill this gap for Jamorama students. We brought together some great tutors to teach some of the classics as well as more modern songs and every Jamorama student who purchases during the Christmas Sale, will get 30 days of FREE access as well as the choice of any 2 songs to learn.


Being musicians they know that hard work goes into making music so right from the start they wanted to give credit where credit was due. And that's why a portion of every song purchase on the SongPond site goes back to the artist. It's something they're really proud of and think is vitally important for musicians everywhere.


Jamorama Christmas Special


Included in the course:

  • Jamorama Beginner Book
    • 15 Chapters
    • 16 Jamtracks
    • 54 Video Lessons
  • Jamorama Advanced Book
    • 26 Chapters
    • 10 Jamtracks
    • 94 Video Lessons
  • Acoustic Focus Book
    • 26 Jamtracks
    • 5 finger picking lessons
  • Jamorama Chord kit
    • 72 chords - high quality photos, NOT diagrams
    • 3 variations
    • Multiple style progressions including:
      Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Rock, RnB, and Country
  • Jamorama Bonus Software Games including:
    • Guitearit!
    • Jayde Musica Pro
    • Guitar Tuner Pro
    • Jamorama Metronome
    • PLUS the Chordinator Software Game
  • PLUS SongPond Starter Pack
    • 30 days FREE access
    • 2 FREE song credits


Remember: When you purchase you'll get instant access. Simply click any link in this email, enter your payment details and confirm.


You can start your SongPond trial anytime you are ready. It doesn't expire and the songs you choose will remain attached to your account forever.


Jamorama Christmas Special


Keep rockin!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

Follow Learn To Play Rock Guitar:

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I review products before recommending them. If you buy a product based on my recommendation, I will receive a commission. However, my emails also contain links that don’t require any investment on your part and are jam-packed with "juicy, guitar learnin' tastiness".

We don't rent or share your name with anybody. Feel free to forward this issue to any friends you think would enjoy its contents. They will thank you. So will I.

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