Subject: Friend, Two New Complimentary Music Courses...

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Hey there Friend,

"I'm back, back in the New York Groove…" - New York Groove, Ace Frehley

Thanks so much for your patience with me as I worked through two Berklee College of Music online courses. They were a lot of work, but definitely worth the effort. I'm actually finishing them up this week, and I'm looking forward to using what I've learned on my own music and helping you where I can.

I'd like to turn your attention to another two Berklee courses that are starting very soon, April 22 to be exact. Both of these classes are being offered freely to anyone interested through Coursera. These are Introduction to Guitar and Introduction to Improvisation.

(NOTE: Coursera offers many different courses from universities around the world)

If you've ever wanted to take guitar lessons from an instructor but either couldn't afford to do it or couldn't find an instructor local to you, this might be right up your alley.

Introduction to Guitar is being taught by Thaddeus Hogarth, a professor at Berklee and professional musician. The course is six weeks long and will require about 6 to 8 hours of work each week (about what most people practice each week). By the end of the course you can expect to know enough about guitar and playing to be an advanced beginner.

In fact, even if you consider yourself beyond the beginner stage, you may want to consider checking out the course. Here's why…

How often do you have the opportunity to sit in the studio with a professional guitar player who is willing to teach you everything they know? What about being able to interact with thousands of like-minded individuals from around the world? Even if you are taking weekly lessons, this course could provide new ideas and concepts to discuss with your guitar instructor.

The second course is Introduction to Improvisation, which I can imagine will be interesting to you folks that are beyond basic guitar chords and scales. It is being taught by Gary Burton, who is known as one of the premier improvisers in modern Jazz music. Now I know, we're mainly Rock people here, but expanding your horizons into jazz can work wonders on your ability to improvise your guitar solos.

Based on what I've read in some of the follow-up information from the courses, Berklee should be offering these again, if now is not a good time. My experience from the Songwriting and Music Production courses is so positive the only reason I'd suggest not taking them is you just had some major life event and have to put everything else on hold. The courses are exceptionally well done and full of content. And they're 100% free!

Give them a look, watch the videos and see if they make sense for you. As always, rock on good people!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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