Subject: You're More Impressive

Hey Friend,

Have you ever been in awe of a set of new kitchen cabinets? Like these are the best cabinets you've ever seen and you can't get enough of them? Or what about a caulk line around a tub? Probably not, right?

Sure, it takes some know-how to install cabinets properly, as well as some patience and hard work, but you aren't going to be mesmerized by the finished product. And if it's the first time you've done something like hanging cabinets, you might be shocked the job got completed at all! Learning curves can be a mutha!

But what happens when a skilled showman gets on stage and rips it up with an onslaught of mind-blowing solos? It can be jaw dropping. The entire audience is held with rapt attention by the guitar work. Check this out... you'll instantly know what I mean. 

Number 5...

10.    Less Offensive Visually
9.      More Mobile
8.      Less Tools Needed
7.      Less Physically Painful
6.      More Fun Socially
5.      More Impressive
4.      Sexier
3.      More Envy
2.      Less Expensive
1.      More Respect

There are a lot of people that can do home improvement. Beside being a hobby many people enjoy, there are hundreds of "professionals" in every city claiming to be able to transform your house. If you think about it, though, having so many home improvement and renovation "specialists" in the market kinda takes the "special" out of it. 

It is great when you can do stuff yourself, but that takes time away from playing your guitar. And since there's a whole industry centered on the Do It Yourself-er, it's not all that impressive - more like "everybody's doing it."

What we do as guitar players is unique and special. Compared to the number of people who do home improvement, we're a huge minority.

When you put in time to practice and learn guitar technique, you can do something the vast majority of people out there can't do. Many people start, but not that many get past being a base beginner. That's what makes you unique. 

You can bring out your guitar and play some songs - and people are impressed. Because they can't.

Reminds me of our company slogan when I was studying Russian in the Army. The official slogan was "We're learning Russian, so you don't have to." Being the cocky little twerps we were, we changed it to "We're learning Russian, because you can't."

So take pride in knowing you're a minority - you're a guitar player. The better you become, the more impressive. And now that the worst of my home improvement projects are done, I can get back to focusing on guitar!



P.S. - Even if you're brand new to guitar, you can still impress your family and friends by playing some of their favorite tunes. You can do this by learning some Easy Power Chords. You don't have to know very much on guitar to be able to string together the power chords used in so many Rock songs. I've put together a collection of Easy Power Chords in an ebook that teaches you very quickly how to use them. Then there's over 250 power chords charted and printable. Check it out!
Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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