Subject: Your Guitar Journey

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Hey there Friend,

Last week I wrote about thinking back to the time you started on your musical journey - to remind yourself why you were compelled in the first place. Sometimes we go for so long down a road without looking in the rear-view mirror that we lose sight of the why - where we came from and what got us started on the trip. Activities that we used to enjoy become stale and the dream loses its luster a bit. It's really easy to get bogged down in the minutia that forget where we wanted to end up...

Did you take some time this week to think about your guitar story? If not, go out and get yourself a good cup of coffee (or a Shamrock Shake - mmm!) and reflect for a moment.

Once you've reacquainted yourself with your former rock star you, what is it you set out to do? Are you on track with those original goals, or did you take a detour (or three)? Is that goal even valid any more? If not, what has replaced it? If so, what one thing can you do today to take the next step towards reaching that musical goal?

Do you have it figured out?

That's all well and good, but are you going to do it? This is where reality kicks in. And this is where having a friend or mentor around to help keep you connected to your goal can be a tipping point in your life.

Whether you're a kid these days or a retired grandparent, you're pulled in too many different directions every day. It's increasingly difficult to focus on any one task without a dozen distractions or interruptions presenting themselves. Whenever we try to learn something new, the more challenging or complex that new endeavor is, the easier it becomes to allow distractions to pull us away from that venture.

When it comes to guitar, here's a...


In case you hadn't figured it out by now, GUITAR IS HARD!!!

I know I've mentioned this before, but I think it bears reminding, especially at the beginning.

There is nothing natural about playing guitar. Weird positions, alien words, sore body parts and oh, by the way, you've got to do all this stuff together at the same time. Add to all that teaching your ears how to listen for the little tonal nuances, how to figure out the music of a song, how to get the rhythm and timing down so you don't sound like a robot playing. There's a lot going on, and the toughest time you'll have is at the beginning when fighting with your guitar to make is sound good.

This thing is supposed to be fun, not work!

At the end of the day, no one can make you do anything you don't want to do. I can't drag you kicking and screaming towards your goals - you've got to do that ( yeah, I still fight myself working towards my goals). You've got to show up and make the time for yourself and the work it will take to master the fundamentals of guitar.

It's not as difficult as it seems in the beginning (OK, at any stage, there's always something to challenge you - like Flight of the Bumblebee), and while frustration seems to be the main result of most practice sessions, it will get easier. And you will improve. Take a dose of stubborn persistence and you will be rewarded. You know the old saying about the secret to success - Get started and don't quit!

I want to help you with your musical goals. In fact, I'm all about people finding their reason in the world - we weren't put here to spend our days working in cubicles or the proverbial  coal mine to further the goals of someone else. We all have unique abilities and talents that would make the world better if we just had a platform to stand on. Guitar might be a hobby for you and nothing else - I get it and I'm cool with that. But you've got something in your life you're passionate about. If I can help you expand that so you're living a more fulfilled life, let me know. I'll do what I can.
If guitar is still a priority for you and you're having a tough time making room for it in your life, you can certainly try my Daily 5 Guitar Habit. Five minutes a day is not a lot of time commitment, and you're not going to become a pro practicing only five minutes a day, but you can create the habit to pick your guitar up every day. Every new endeavor starts with making a commitment to show up, and the Daily 5 Guitar Habit guarantees you're going to get a reminder to do just that.

My exercises aren't the "end-all-be-all" of master guitar lessons, and that's not their purpose. I want you to reach the goals you set for yourself. One of those goals was obviously to play guitar, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so do yourself a favor and try out the Daily 5 Guitar Habit. It's free to join, and you can leave any time you want.

I hope you've circled back to revisit your goals and decided to step up your effort to play guitar more. The more of us adding music to the world, the better the world we'll be living in. Even if it's just playing for yourself or your family and friends. Music connects people, and we can definitely use more real (not virtual) connections in the world!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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