Subject: Why Do Power Chords Sound So Good?

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Because they are made up of two notes from the same scale that sound really good together.

Bottom line.

Now there are real scientific reasons for why they sound so good, but how many people really want to get into the details and science behind sound?

  • The physics behind sound creation...
  • The frequencies for each pitch...
  • The relationships between notes...
  • The ratios that define the intervals in a scale...
  • How the ear drum works...
  • Air pressure and sound waves...
All very fascinating subjects on their own. Personally, I enjoy studying this stuff. But let's be real.

Most people couldn't care less about the physics of sound.

You just want to play.

For instance, do you really care that each note in a scale is defined by a specific ratio between two other notes? And that the second note used in a power chord is the second most pure ratio (3:2)?

I'm guessing... NO!

Did you know all of this was figured out by Pythagoras? You know, of the Pythagorean Theorum fame? Yup, that little wonder of mathematics is responsible for the math behind nearly every bit of music you've ever heard.

Fascinating trivia, right? Studying the origin and creation of music is fun, but that knowledge doesn't get you any closer to playing your favorite tunes.

Nope, when it come to learning music, the first, most important thing you can do is start playing.

Power chords allow you to do just that.

Yes, learning the open chord shapes is essential. Getting familiar with musical scales will be essential as you expand your guitar skills. But power chords give you just enough to begin playing Rock music (and Blues and Country) right now.

Now don't get me wrong, there are still some physical aspects of playing these chords that you'll have to work out.

I can't take away the soreness you will feel in your fingertips, but you're going to have that regardless until you toughen them puppies up! I also can't guarantee you're hands are limber enough yet to handle some of the power chord shapes - but that's why finger stretches are helpful.

Still, with a couple simple finger shapes and fret-board patterns you can master in a few minutes, you'll be able to quickly go from struggling...

To playing.

And that's keeping the main thing the main thing.

I've put together charts for over 250 power chords in Easy Power Chords. And I'm adding even more power chord charts, as well as audio clips for each one. Anyone that owns Easy Power Chords gets every update free of charge.

Have an awesome Monday!


Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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