Subject: What Are you Doing To Achieve Your Guitar-Playing Goals?

Hey Friend,

Rainy and overcast yesterday gave way to sunny and cold here. We're no where near as chilly as up North, but Winter has finally shown up in Florida. Even the squirrels are staying inside this morning!

I'm not complaining - this is the exact reason we moved from Ohio to Florida. Mild winters and NO snow! Snow is okay to visit every now and then, but I prefer my snow as a recreational tool rather than a living condition.

I'll keep it short today with just a thought about your guitar study and playing.

Are you acting in alignment with your musical goals? Do you actually have any musical goals?

Why did you start learning guitar? Was it to start on a career path, or just a hobby? Did you want to join or form a band, or simply play for your own enjoyment? 

If you haven't spent a little time thinking about why you play (or want to play) guitar, I encourage you to do so.

Goals give us something to look forward to.

When we have something we want to accomplish, it helps drive us through any challenges that pop up. Goals also help to clarify the things we need to do to get to the win. 

Before I started guitar, I knew I wanted to be in a band. I wasn't 100% sure guitar was the right instrument for me, but it fit the logical image I had in my head - standing on stage with a guitar in my hand, singing to the crowd. So that started the process for me.

I knew I needed a guitar. I knew I needed to learn how to play it, so I had to find someone who could teach me the skills. 

But to be in a band, I also had to be on the lookout for opportunities to play with other musicians. When that opportunity came, I had to recognize it and jump in, not analyze and worry and wait until the time was "right."

I had to act in the moment and take advantage of the chance to do what I wanted to do. 

Today, I'm much too analytical. Too many years of studying and planning and "waiting" for the right conditions have turned me into something of a recluse, worried that I'm going to do something wrong or stupid. 

But I realize that's a shell I've grown over the years, and if I'm going to truly create the life I want as a musician and businessman, I need to crack that shell and get back in the game - rather than analyzing and watching from the sidelines. 

What about you? Are you going to step out of your comfort zone and start getting some wins on your journey to accomplish the goals you have?

All it takes is some action - do something that aligns to your goal.

If you want something, you have to put yourself into a position to get it. Opportunities are for people that are in the right place to recognize and take advantage of them.

If you take action, you can't fail. You might not get everything right, you might even make mistakes, but you'll have that experience to build on. And that's okay - even good.

Action cures lack of progress.

So be that person - I know that's where I need to be.


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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