Subject: What Are You Waiting For?

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Hey there Friend,

How long have you been playing music? Have you gotten a decent handle on the basics of your instrument? Do you know the difference between the terms melody, harmony and rhythm (if not, go here). If so, have you taken your skills to the next step on your journey? Are you doing what you set out to do with music, or are you holding yourself back for some reason?

Whether you are a veteran player with many years under your belt or a brand new musician, you might be feeling some resistance to really cutting loose with your instrument and seeing where it can take you. Perhaps you've gotten yourself into a rut, playing the same things without really advancing into new areas. Sometimes we're so locked into the comfortable we don't know what to do next.

Many times we look for some form of approval from another person, or we set some requirement on ourselves we think we must meet to take the next step, but I'd like you to change that. I challenge you to start thinking about what it is you want when it comes to making music (in whatever form that happens to be) and take a baby step towards that.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying you have to make some commitment to some huge musical goal like a gold record or something. Whatever it is you want to do with music, that's your deal, and you should rock it out. But if you're not doing it, why? Are you waiting because you think you have to reach a certain perceived level before you can do your music? Could you be waiting for an instructor to tell you you've progressed from beginner to intermediate player before you start writing music or join a band?

In other words, are you holding yourself back because you're waiting for some external approval. Or is it something inside that needs examined?

Perhaps it's simply a skills thing. Like you don't feel you have the necessary chops to do what you want, and honestly, that can be a valid reason to prevent you from hitting some goals, but not for holding yourself back

Advancing your musicianship is like any other pursuit in life. We humans like to keep something handy to use as a crutch for not moving forward on things we either want or need to do. It's a form of procrastination, and most of us are pretty good at finding alternate activities to keep us busy instead of doing what we know we should. Why work on learning those scales when you could be watching America's Got Talent or (insert your favorite TV show)? Besides, Davey (or whatever your instructor's name is) didn't give me permission to do that!

Guess what? The only yardstick you need to measure against is the one you stand up. You are your prime source of forward movement and advancement. You can do anything you decide to do!

Now don't think I'm standing up here on a podium preaching at you - I'm guilty as well! I don't watch much TV, but there are plenty of other things to distract me when I should be working on improving my playing. In fact, since we're confessing things to each other (OK, people, time to share), I've been holding myself back from starting or joining a band, from growing my teaching business, creating videos to help you out...

Let me tell you a story...

There was a time, way back in the last century, when a young boy started playing guitar. He got this crazy idea in his head that he would one day have a rock band. This idea germinated for a few years, and finally an opportunity arose to start a band. The stars came into alignment and the players were at hand, and that early idea sparked and lit a small flame.

Was he ready to be in a band? Well, honestly, no. How do I know? 'Cause that boy was me.

I had a cheap acoustic guitar and could play a handful of chords and really basic strums. There was no way I could pull off playing "Wish You Were Here" or "Life's Been Good" at that moment. Had I thought about it for a few minutes, I probably would have talked myself out of it.

But the moment was at hand, and the naiveté of youth told me to go for it. I was dazzled by my dream and vision of the future. As soon as I decided to move forward on my dream, everything come together - guitars, bass, drums and even keyboards. I could even sing back then! Even opportunities to gig came up. It was a glorious time...

I was bold, took action and stepped up. What the hell happened to me since then?

We get comfortable doing the things we are good at. We're uncomfortable any time we decide to step a little outside of the box we've set up for ourselves. But the only way to advance and expand to the skills and level we want is to push the walls of that box a little outward. Even if it's just an inch at a time.

I'm working on expanding mine. What about you?

I encourage you to take a little time for yourself and revisit the reasons you started playing your respective instrument - guitar, voice, drums, glockenspiel. Think about your motivations at that time and see if they still resonate with you. Then pull up your big girl/boy pants and take a step towards making that dream of yours happen. It doesn't matter what the size of the dream is - it matters that you have the dream and you're taking action to achieve it.

Do it today. Tell me if I can help (just hit Reply). Have a fabulous weekend!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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