Subject: Tools of the Trade

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Hey Friend,

What kind of work do you do for a living? Do you run your own business?

Work for a large corporation? Or maybe a small family-owned company?

Independently wealthy?

Regardless of the kind of work you do, I'll bet you've noticed there are certain tools you need every day to get your work done.

If you work in the trades, you've got hand and power tools. Work in an office? You've most likely got a computer you hammer away at all day.

And if you're wealthy, you've got to drive that Ferrari down to the port so you can board your yacht - cruising can be a tough job, too!

Bottom line, we've all got tools we need to successfully perform our jobs. Tools make our jobs easier than trying to do everything by hand.

It's no different with guitar.

You've got to have the guitar - with all six strings, preferably! That's your tool.

But is that all you need to succeed at learning guitar?

Bare bones CAN work... but probably not the most efficient way to spend your time. Even if you already know enough to be dangerous on guitar (chords, riffs, strumming and the pentatonic scale), it's still tough to get a handle on what's going down in a song.

If you know anything about recording you know that it's not usually just one guitar being played - it's multiple guitar tracks layered one over the other to create that hot sonic soup we love to slurp down.

But isolating a riff or chord progression can sometimes be... tricky. Especially if it's a fast riff.

That's why it's often extremely helpful to slow it down - so you can actually hear what's going on. Used to be slowing a recording down was a challenge, but no more.

I use software called Song Surgeon.

With it I can slow a recording down to as much as 25% of the original tempo. I've even used it to make recordings for my students so they can hear what's going on in a riff, or play along with it to get the chords down.

Check it out - here's an AC/DC tune clip slowed to 75 percent.

Just another tool you can add to your bag to make your guitar-learnin' experience faster and easier.

If you want to give it a try yourself, you can download a demo copy of Song Surgeon here.


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