Subject: Tis The Season For G.A.S.

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Hey there Friend,

Wow! It can be really overwhelming to see all the email advertisements in my mailbox exclaiming huge Black Friday sales.

Not too long ago, before email became a common thing, you might get a bunch of ads in the newspaper, but almost never from music stores.

Now with websites and email subscription lists, it's really easy for both regular stores and online retailers to offer their goods and sale prices.

And they want us to see those sale prices... every day...

That's the overwhelming part.

It's dizzying to see all the cool gear I'd love to get my hands on. All the iconic guitars, recording gear, amplifiers, keyboards. Everything is on sale! You can get all the accessories you'd ever need, sheet music, instructional DVDs and online programs, lessons and more.

And the stores are offering "same as cash" deals and extended payment plans - you can have it all right now...

To say it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of drooling over the latest Les Pauls and Telecasters is a gross understatement!

Yup, G.A.S. is a real problem in my house (that's Gear Acquisition Syndrome, people).

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), I can't just go out and get everything I want. I have to be disciplined about the purchases I want to make.

You see, my family and I have developed these silly little habits like living in-doors, eating and wearing clothing that prevent me from spending all my money on music equipment. Sometimes being an adult can be such a drag!

Make A List

This is why I suggest you create a list of the gear you need and the gear you want. You could even break it down into three separate lists: must have, nice to have and dream gear. You can then prioritize your purchases.

Depending on what your primary goals are, what might be a dream guitar for you could be a must have guitar for me. For example, if you're just getting started, a decent beginning rock guitar would be an Epiphone Les Paul or SG or a Squire Stratocaster or Telecaster. Think of that like a "must have" to begin learning guitar.

However, if your band is playing shows or getting ready to release an album, your "must have" gear needs are a bit different because of the professional image you are developing. You might need to invest over $1000 to get a pro level guitar like a Gibson, PRS or Fender.

In most cases you need to have a better constructed instrument, and these cost more (yes there are exceptions). The cost differences are usually in the quality of the materials used to build the guitar.

By having a list of gear and a "need" ranking, you can easily stay on track with your purchases and take advantage of all these wonderful sales. You'll also be able to maximize your purchasing power.

My Dream Guitar List

Because I grew up during a time when guitars ruled, I've got a particularly hard time when it comes to guitars I'd like. I've decided to compile a list of the guitars I want to collect, nearly all of which I've played in the past (or drooled over).
That's a good start. There have been nice guitars built since then, too, but we all start somewhere and those are my roots. Some are no longer made, others have been re-issued to bring back the classic styles.

Unfortunately, the 1990s and 2000s weren't real great for the guitar industry, so many manufacturers either went out of business or sold to companies that started mass producing the guitars and subsequently lowered the quality.

That makes my list of guitars truly a "dream" list. Most of these go for a few thousand dollars each - if you can find them. But they're less expensive than collecting cars!

Good luck with surviving all the temptations of the season. Hopefully you'll have an opportunity to satisfy some of that gear lust, but if not, there's always next year... or your birthday... or whatever special event you want to call it :grin:



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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