Subject: Thousands Of Guitarists Love Song Surgeon... And Here's Why

Hey Friend,

If I told you I found a tool that could help you learn to play the guitar six times faster...

Would you believe me?

I know it sounds unbelievable, like something from a fairy-tale...

But you can't argue with thousands of guitarists who are absolutely loving this software...

And you'll find yourself in the same camp once you put this powerful guitar software learning tool to work for you today.  When you click through to the page below you'll learn about the SIX TIMES FASTER and the survey we conducted with guitarists

It's the ultimate tool that has helped guitarists all over the world have an upper hand and a competitive edge.

If you are not using it, you're wasting time by repeating and making the same mistakes over and over again because of your inability to accurately assess what notes are being played or what technique is being used (hammer on, pull off, slide, bend, etc.) in material that you are trying to learn.

Oh... and if you're thinking about sheet music or tabs, I have one word for you:


Jim Todd, co-founder of Song Surgeon, recently bought the sheet music to six well-known songs and compared it to the transcription provided to him by a forty-year guitar veteran.

It was not only inadequate -- in some cases, it wasn't even close!

As for tabs...  well, finding good, accurate tabs on the internet is like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, if you value your time and energy, then you should stop learning the old-fashioned way and put this new guitar-learning tool to work for you. It will save you tens or even hundreds of hours of time, frustration, lack of confidence, and even burn out.

The lifetime value of this tool is going to bring you so much happiness, success, and playing confidence from knowing that you are playing a song or riff correctly (and exactly as it was played by the original artist).

With this powerful tool, you'll discover how to:

[+] Use Song Surgeon's Speed Trainer to help you learn new material faster and easier

[+]Upon opening a song, Song Surgeon analyzes the file and detects and displays key, tempo and the chords for the song

[+]Allows you to export these chords to a txt or cvs file so you can bring them or share them with others.

[+]Can automatically create and insert a 4-beat click track synced to the tempo of the song.

[+] Slows audio down to as little as 10% to allow you to hear what is being played and how it is being played.

[+] 1-Click key change to play a song in a different key.  

[+]Creation of multiple looping areas that can be customized individually (for repetitive playing of a riff or style).

[+] Audio quality after key and tempo change equal to or better than high end tools like Cubase and ProTools.

Best of all, you'll learn how to play new material easier and quicker than the average Joe.

If you're wondering what this tool is going to cost and thinking it's going to cost you an arm and a leg - -- You're Wrong!

I can tell you right now, you're not going to pay more than $100 for lifetime access to Song Surgeon.

We've raised the bar by giving you an industry standard audio slow downer that is celebrating its 11th anniversary this year, and is used by thousands of guitarists and other musicians from all over the world (in more than 140 countries).

You'll have in your hands a set of powerful guitar learning tools that will allow you to break down and put back together any song or riff, note by note, to learn exactly how it is being played, completely removing any doubt or guess work.

With something like this, you can forget having to spend hours every week trying to understand a certain riff, song, trick or technique, because Song Surgeon removes the guess work by allowing you to both SEE [chord detection] and HEAR [audio slow down] exactly WHAT is being played and HOW it is being played.

So, if you're serious about saving time, energy, and frustration this year as a guitarist, put Song Surgeon to work for you now.

When you buy Song Surgeon today, this is what you get:

    $25 off the actual price
    Plus a $240 guitar riff bonus package
    Plus a $199 guitar soling basics bonus package
    Plus lifetime access to this powerful software

But don't wait! This a time-limited special offer the will expire soon.


David Vance

P.S Don't forget, this offer is 100% risk-free with a 60-day, money-back guarantee; you either like it, or you get your money back.

P.P.S You've just made the best decision ever by getting insider access to this, and I'm very excited to see what you can achieve with Song Surgeon this year!


Here's what people all over the world are saying:


I have played in various bands for some fifty years now. I play guitar and keyboards and although I have played in various lineups over the years I have be performing solo for the past eight years. My gigs are normally social, bowling, golf clubs etc. When I first started playing around with audio backing track I tried a couple of programmes but I tried your song surgeon 3 demo and just liked how easy it was to use. I did the upgrade to SS4 pro and now upgraded to SS5 pro.

Hi, I would just like to congratulate James and his team on this fabulous version of Song Surgeon 5. I have the Pro version which I strongly advise you guys to use. I have only had the programme for a couple of weeks and have not used all the functions yet but I would like to say that the key change, speed alteration and the EQ on the Pro version are really outstanding in quality and I mean outstanding. Cheers and Best regards -- Hugh Gilmour, UK


I would like to take the opportunity to tell you how much I am liking SS.  It is an absolute terrific learning tool. I am also loving VS -- really great as well.  I retired from a software development company which actually started in our founder's garage.  It is now a worldwide company (DST International).  So I have a real fondness for s/w companies such as yours.  I won't bother you with more superfluous verbiage -- I just want you to know that I am LOVING  your products as well as your unbelievable support.  Thanks Jim. -- Andy Beard, USA


Seldom am I impressed these days with hype about a product because so few live up to the promise, but you have. I am pleasantly surprised. While I am still figuring out the program I can tell already that you just blew Riff station out of the water.

I tab for guitar sites and now I am afraid I'll lose my ear for chords and looks like I'll have to brush up on flat 7ths suspend 5ths LOL. Thank you James for one of the finest programs I have ever bought. Looks like the delays payed off big time for you. You got it right!  - - James Foster


Just a line to let you know I received the release build and installed/registered it without any issues whatsoever.  I must also say your email below is an understatement!  At this point, this is a top-notch program! Fantastic job!  In my opinion, you now have zero competition in your price range. THANK YOU for an amazing product!  -- John Mills


I am a new user to Song Surgeon.  I play violin and guitar at church and am an intermediate player of both instruments.  When I ordered Song Surgeon I was not sure what I was getting.  It turns out that it has exceeded all my expectations.  So far it has done everything it is advertised as doing.

I was trying to play along with some pre-recorded accompaniment of a couple of fast and fairly difficult pieces of music.  Being able to slow down the music allowed me to learn the pieces much more quickly than I could have otherwise. I also found that the voice reduction software worked very well.  The voice part is not completely eliminated but is acceptably reduced.

I ran into one slight problem and submitted a ticket.  The response was detailed and extremely prompt. Also, the user guide is very thorough, and the video instructions are great.  I have been recommending this program to all my musician friends. - Lou O


WOW!!   Been using Song Surgeon since version 3.  Just installed 5 Pro. Loaded up one of my version 4 projects with no issues. I wanted to see how well the key detector worked on something I already knew. I'm amazed! I play bass and the notes were spot on.  I have 40 songs to learn for a gig this weekend. My life just got WAY EASIER!!!!!    And this is only after 5 minutess of using it.   Great Job!! - Bo Martin


I really like the new look of the UI and the new features added. A definite improvement over version 4 (which was pretty good) and certainly a great value for the money. I was happy to participate. -- M. Costello


- The ACCURACY of the chords detection is nothing short of 'astoundingly GOOD'! --  D. Nuttal



Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them downor create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows,if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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