Subject: The Weekend Grind

Hey Friend,

Another sunny Saturday here in lovely Orlando, but your host gets to spend it indoors. 

Yup, I've got another day of manual labor from the honey-do list. And surprise, surprise, it's more flooring. Only this time I have a special task.

I get to grind concrete! I say that with all the excitement I can muster, because this is something I've been agonizing over for the past six months.

Given all the "firsts" this house has brought us, I'm getting a little numb to the fear of doing things I wouldn't normally consider tackling.

Turns out I'm a lot more handy than I thought I was...

Youtube and Google have proven to be valuable friends, and since we haven't had stellar luck with contractors, I'd just as soon do the work myself and know I did the best I could, rather than pay someone a princely sum to do a half-a$$ed job. 

You see, I care. Most of them don't.

Anyway, I'm gonna have to make it up to you 'cause this one's a real "PITA." So I'll tell you how it went tomorrow.

Have a great one and Rock on!


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Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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