Subject: The Mountain

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The road stretches on for what seems to be forever... the scenery doesn't change... the final destination so far in the distance.

Ever felt like, no matter what you managed to accomplish today, you didn't even make a scratch in the amount of work laid out in front of you?

I'm living through that right now with the renovation of my new home. Tiny little improvements that get overshadowed by large problems we uncover on what seems to be a daily basis.

It's not like we haven't done this before. We've transformed three homes prior to this one, but never to this scale. This house requires both infrastructure and cosmetic repairs and improvements, and although there's a sound foundation, it's easy to let the ugly masquerade overshadow the ultimate vision of what this place can be.

The progress is at a tortoise pace, making it hard to keep our eyes on the prize at the end of this yellow brick road...

That's what it can seem like when you start to realize what it requires to become a proficient guitar player. Damn those musicians who make guitar look easy!

There is a mountain of musical knowledge, skill and technique available to each of us. We all start at the base of the mountain range and can see various peaks, each signifying steps along the way to our own chosen goal for guitar mastery.

Some of us chose to stay in the foothills, only learning enough to be able to play a few open chords and maybe a melody or two. You can find a little cabin there that might need a coat of paint. You'll enjoy a nice view of the valley below, and that's fine for the majority of people who pick up a guitar.

Then there's the hobbyist folks who maybe want to jam with a band periodically. They'll learn their barre chords and the minor pentatonic scale, get a decent handle on simple strums and rhythm.

Consider these the type of people that will take on some room renovations, maybe tackle a bathroom or two in a house a bit more remote up the side of the first mountain they come to.

The crowd starts getting thinner as you move up into more rugged mountain trails. These guitarists are writing their own music and performing original music - they'll even put out their own recordings as a matter of promotion.

They've taken the time to dig into more chord voicings and scales. They work on their technique and practice a lot to hone their skill.

I like to think of these folks as "amateur" pros. They've taken the responsibility of completely renovating their mountaintop cabins without the help of outside contractors. 'Cause it's expensive to get construction dudes to come up the mountain!

Lastly, there's those rockers that have devoted themselves to their craft. They know their fingerboard inside-out, can play all forms of chord voicings, and moreover, understand what they're doing! They know exactly which chords to use and how each choice affects what their listeners are feeling. We know their names.

These are the musicians that have reached the summit of the highest mountain in the range. Their building their own cabins. Half the time the peak is shrouded in cloud, but on the clearest days, the view is spectacular!

Where do you see yourself? Are you happy to live in the foothills? Or are you looking to climb to the highest pinnacle in music? Each destination has its unique demands, and the choice is uniquely yours, but know that whichever road you choose to follow, there will be challenges you can't foresee.

Also know that no matter what you have to fight through to attain your personal goals, if you keep putting pushing forward you will get to the destination. The journey is different for each one of us, but that's a good thing.

The differences that separate us at any point in time can be a huge help to all of us. Where you meet a challenge and win, you can be an inspiration to someone who struggles behind you.

Keep climbing, inch by inch, to reach your guitar goals. Often times the trip ain't pretty, but reaching the end is a sweet victory. You just have to keep going. Rock on!



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