Subject: The Forest Through the Trees

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Hey Friend,

When you look at a tree, what do you see?

A mass of leaves and branches, the trunk, maybe some moss growing on it.

They're a pretty generic sight, trees. Unique and random, each of them.

But look closer. Every tree has things in common with other trees.

They each have a trunk. They each have branches that grow out away from the trunk. They all grow leaves to help capture carbon dioxide and clean the air.

Now look even closer. Look at a leaf.

While it's never the same size or the exact same shape, each leaf grows basically the same. They all follow the same pattern.

Even though something follows an established pattern, it can still maintain its own originality.

Take Power Chords.

Power chords are a pattern of playing the tonic and perfect fifth notes of a key together.

On guitar, the standard tuning we all use provides for a very simple fingering to play power chords. For most guitar players, they never have to move off of three strings - or know that they can.

But there are other patterns on the fingerboard that will not only give you the same note combination, but also give you a lot more range in your playing.

For example, you can play an A5 power chord at the fifth fret using the poser chord pattern. But did you know you can also play pattern it at the tenth fret of the second string? And in at least three other places on the fingerboard within the first twelve frets?

I'm not even counting the inversions of the A5 power chord!

If you know where these fingerings are, can you imagine the diversity of raw sound you can add to your playing. You can go from a raw low growl sound to a shimmering high - using the same two notes.

How's that expand your vision to see the whole forest surrounding that one tree you've been focused on?

This is just a small taste of what's coming in The Chord Clinic. We're gonna rock it!



P.S. - Want to learn more about power chords today? Get Easy Power Chords to learn all about these fascinating animals.
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