Subject: The Beautiful Letdown

Hey Friend,

So jury duty ended up being a non-event. After sitting there the entire morning and being sent out to lunch, I came back and sat for another hour, after which the court released me to go home - my obligation fulfilled for at least a year.

Kinda like the saying we had in the Army - "hurry up and wait..."

It was sort of a mixed bag of emotions - uncertainty and anticipation, annoyance and relief.

And a healthy dose of silent rage...

The day had started out with a bang, only to end in a whimper. Kind of like a paper fire - lots of flame but the the fuel doesn't last long. Smothered by a need to shift focus quickly.

My office is in one of the front rooms of the house, and the cats use it as a main thoroughfare (three of the little monsters).

Yesterday the fattest one, acting like the glutton-ish piggy she is, was gorging herself on the other two cat's bowls of food and got caught.

As Porky was making her get-away, she ran into a heavy screen standing between my office and my wife's. The screen fell over onto my desk and main guitar.

Directly onto the headstock. It then got pushed over and jammed against the desk.


Broken glass, a shattered antique plate (from my grandparents), gouges in the floor. Oh, and one of the other cats left a little present right in the middle of all this...

I didn't have time to check out damage to the guitar since there was such a clean-up to do. And I had to get out the door to the court house.

Yeah, the cats are on my main sh!t list!

So last night I looked over my baby. She's beat up, and I have to restring her, but I didn't find any cracks, fortunately. That's one plus of a maple neck versus mahogany - the wood is nice and hard. It's unplayable right now, so I need to take care of changing out the strings today and make sure there's no more damage.

Yesterday was a "beautiful letdown" on all fronts...

BTW, there's an album out there by the band Switchfoot called "The Beautiful Letdown."

It was their 2003 breakout album with rockers "Meant To Live" and "Dare You To Move." Lots of good examples of power chords being used in the songs to create that hard-driving sound.

The album also has some acoustic guitar-oriented songs, offering something for everyone.

What stands out, though, are the messages in the songs - good positive lyrics to help you move along in life and get past some of the crap that befalls us.

If you're digging the rockers and want to learn power chords you can use to inject that kind of energy into your playing, check out Easy Power Chords here! Hope your days are going better than mine did yesterday...


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