Subject: The Agony of Defeat

Hey Friend,

Well, in case you're wondering... there was no victory dance.

Thanks to all the well-wishers, but I choked... I did not pass the f#%$&!@ exam.

It was broken down into three sections, each signifying an individual exam (this was an upgrade exam that covers multiple tests).

I passed two of the three sections. Fail one, you fail them all.

Initially, I was merely ticked.

I still took the opportunity to stop in at Sam Ash. It got my mind off the exam for an hour or so.

I played a few Taylor acoustics and one of the Gibson Hummingbirds, just trying to get a feel for how these more expensive guitars compare to my sub-$200 acoustic plays. From a tone aspect, the first Taylor wasn't much different. The second one I played had more of a satin finish, rather than high gloss, and there seemed to be a richer sound than what I'm used to hearing. It was nice.

The Gibson refused to stay in tune. I'm not sure if it just needed new strings or what, but for $1900, I expected more from it.

All this to say, there wasn't really enough time to run enough test drives.

Then I went out onto the main floor and tried out a 2016 Gibson Explorer. I played it through a Mesa Boogie Transatlantic head into a Marshall cabinet.

I had a hard time dialing in a sound I liked, but as far as how the guitar felt in my hands, I liked it. A lot. So I may have found my next target...

They also had a used Dean Cadillac. I've always loved its Les Paul/Explorer hybrid design. And I did want to try out a Les Paul (haven't had one in my hands in over 30 years), but time got away from me.

Too many options, not enough capital...

After I got out of there, I headed home. There were some beers calling me to help make the sting of failure dull a little.

Unfortunately, that didn't work - I just got more aggravated thinking about the exam questions and how none of the study materials I used covered what I saw on the test. Oh sure, generically speaking the concepts were discussed, but no where near the level of detail as the questions on the exam.

M$ should be paying us to take these convoluted things! I mean, think about it - who is the biggest advocate for M$ technologies? The people that do the installations and administrations. We're paid to recommend and maintain.

Alright, I'm not going to dwell. Since I'm going to have to devote more of my life and $$$ to studying for this crap, I need to move on.

Don't weep for me... I will rise from the ashes and overcome. Just not today...

I hope y'all have yourselves a great weekend.



P.S. Therapy session later will include generous use of power chords into a loud, heavily distorted 120W tube amplifier. Get your hands on a copy of Easy Power Chords so you can hammer away, too!
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