Subject: Testing... 1 2 3... BrrrZap

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Hey Friend,

I know you're chomping at the bit to get your hands on The Chord Clinic.

Believe me, I want you to have your hands on it!

I've been teasing you for weeks now... and then I told you last week to watch out for an email this week.

It Wasn't This Email...

Chords are a critical part of every guitar player's journey to whatever level they want to reach in their guitar adventure.

You have to know chords to play songs and strum away at bonfires and get-togethers.

You have to know chords to write songs.

You have to know chords if you're going to be the go-to session guitarist.

If you want to rock audiences of any size (including the audience of one - you)... YOU'VE GOT TO KNOW CHORDS!

And I'm gonna teach 'em to you.
  • Major chords and their importance
  • Minor chords
  • 7 chords
  • Diminished chords
  • Augmented chords
  • Suspended chords
  • Plus chords
  • More chords...
And not just the chord forms and their shapes up and down the neck.

We're going to talk about where and when to use these chords.

We'll get into the theory behind them.

We'll spice up boring chord progressions.

If you're just starting out, you'll get stretching and finger exercises to help you play chords and beyond. I'll cover the basics to get you moving quickly into playing simple progressions.

How about chords to make your sound more full - like knowing which chord voicing to use depending on the situation you find yourself in.

All this fun stuff and more.

Alas, you will have to wait just a little bit longer...

I am still working out a few technical issues that are keeping us from getting started.

Not the logistical/technical issues I talked about before...

Nope, these are the bare fundamental technical issues. You know, like making sure the website actually works!

I keep hitting snags - not the kind that blow up in your face, but the little ones, like when you happen to touch two wires together and get sparks (or a little shock!).

I'm working on it, getting things hammered out, but there ain't any little any elves showing up working their magic after hours to finish up what I start. It's just little old me.

I know, I hear you... "Quit your bitchin' and moanin', Davey. Get 'er done!"

Don't worry, it's close... just not close enough to give it to you today.

So your patience is sooo appreciated - Have a rockin' weekend!



Remember, even with me holding your hand in The Chord Clinic, you will benefit (greatly) by working out your own practice routines. You can create excellent exercises for yourself with Song Surgeon and Video Surgeon. Awesome tools for optimal learning!
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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