Subject: Tension: The Hidden Protagonist

Hey Friend,

Well, f#@$%!!!

Had a technical snafu this morning. The Internet connection status light on the modem was flashing red and green, which is never a good sign. After resetting the modem a half a dozen times and calling for support, we were still dead in the water…

Of course, that phone call ate up my normal writing time before I needed to skate into the j.o.b…

So, we’ll come back to the topic I had in mind: tension.

The sounds waves produced by the intervals we’ve been learning about create various levels of tension that influence our emotions. Some intervals have more calming effects, while others make us uneasy.

You don’t really think about sound waves as a physical presence because we can’t see them, but the waves are no different than what you would see on water. These waves are over the air, and it’s the ripples that produce the sounds we hear.

We’re just pushing air, and it’s the physical characteristics of the devices that determine how that sound wave… well… sounds! 

The level of tension or peace that you feel from different sound waves is affected by the physical parts creating the waves.

We get different pitches by moving our fingers up or down the strings on a guitar neck, and it’s that physical lengthening or shortening of the string that allows us to create the pitches we need to influence the listener..

Okay, gotta roll. Hope you're having a great Friday!


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Video Surgeon
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Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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