Subject: Songs and more songs for guitar...









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Hey there Friend,

How's it going? I wanted to reach out to you and give some updates.

We're in the final stretch to releasing our CD, Sonic Alchemy. The mastering is complete and the tracks are going to production. I'm hoping to see CDs by the end of August!

Just a recap, Sonic Alchemy is a compilation CD of songs by artists from all over the world. We've got folks from Australia, Thailand, Germany, Poland  and the United States represented on this CD. It's awesome how the Internet has really made these types of collaborations very easy.

You can read more about Sonic Alchemy on our webpage. And hey, if you feel compelled to contribute to the cause, you can order a CD on our website or donate to help us with the cost of releasing our music.



I also wanted to make you aware of a big sale going on over at Guitar Tricks.

The guys over there have been steadily adding complete song lessons of so many popular tunes this year.  They managed to secure a big licensing deal a few months back that allows them to use the music to create these lessons.

Well, they've done it again. They're about to release a bunch of new songs and have written a big check to pay for licensing rights so they're offering up a big discount to help pay for the new song rights they've acquired.

I have to say, if you're into learning new songs, these videos are top-notch. The video and audio quality is exceptional - all professionally done.

All the instructors are professional musicians, many of them working as hired guns in the studio. You can count on the instruction to be spot-on - just like the original artist wrote and played the tune.

What are you into - Rock, Metal, Punk, Country, Blues? It's all in here. Here's a sample of artists and songs:

Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing

Johnny Cash - I Walk The Line

Slipknot - Wait and Bleed

Rev Theory - Hell Yeah

Papa Roach - Blood Brothers

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - False Pretense

Bo Diddley - I'm a Man

Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire

More songs…

And these are just some of the new songs lined up. All-in-all, Guitar Tricks has over 5000 lessons for you!

Right now you can get a full year of access to all the videos and lessons for $99 - that's nearly half-off the normal annual price of $179.

The sale is ending in 2 days, so check it out, see if it looks like a good deal to you. If you've been trying to learn guitar on your own, this deal could really make a difference for you. And all for less cash than two months of private lessons would cost you. Hurry before this deal is gone!


Have you ever read through a guitar magazine (or any music related magazine, for that matter) and come across words that you just weren't sure what they meant? Maybe the word itself wasn't the problem, but the context in which it was being used? Words like attack. And potentiometer. And hemiola?

Sometimes, do you almost feel like you've gone to another country and need a translator? Yeah, me too!

These professional musician guys throw around words like these all the time.

I'm sure these authors fully understands what it is they're trying to say, but for those of us that don't have a degree from a music school and don't fully understand music theory, it can be a bit difficult to get the full benefit of these articles.

Granted, we can stop where we are and get out old Webster or Wikipedia (or Google), but sometimes you just don't have the luxury of time to invest in translating the article so it's actually usable for you.

Well, let's see if we can fix this little problem. Here's a start - I've created a list of common guitar-related words here, and I'm expanding this to include audio and studio definitions to help you understand recording terminology. Stay tuned for more!

Hope you getting to spend more time doing fun things with your guitar this summer. Thanks for reading, and keep on rockin'!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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