Subject: Song Idea in Two Minutes

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It was a very ~chilly~ morning here in Central Florida. Temps were in the 30s - Ohio is chasing me and has almost caught up!

Fortunately (and historically), it doesn't get much colder here. At least it's been sunny...

But my hands were cold and my fingers were stiff.

So as I sat there stretching my hands and fingers using some of the exercises I'll be teaching in The Chord Clinic, I grabbed my guitar and started messing around with some power chords.

Literally within a minute or two, I had a song idea rattling around inside my brain based on a little three note riff I came up with.

All it took was sitting down with my guitar and putting my fingers on the fingerboard in a power chord pattern.

Now I didn't just strum the strings together in a boring pattern. There are other guitar techniques you can use to spice up a simple chord form to make it unique. When you start incorporating things like:

  • arpeggios
  • different picking patterns
  • mixing up various time values for the notes you're playing instead of playing a straight rhythmic pattern
  • little flourishes to add to the chords
Anyway, just because power chords are only made up of two notes, they're still a very 'power'ful (heh, pun intended) technique you can use to fatten up your sound when you play.

I was literally able to come up with a very cool-sounding riff and progression in minutes. It took me longer to write it down that it did to conceptualize it.

Are you getting an idea of how quickly you can be making music with just some minimal chord skills?

With The Chord Clinic, I'll be covering the techniques I used this morning to lay down my song idea, and much, much more.

Want a head start?

In Easy Power Chords, I give you the fundamentals of powerful two-note chords you can use to play most Rock, Blues or Country tunes. They're simple, and even if you have finger and hand challenges, you can use power chords to get going playing songs now...

Not weeks or months from now.

Here's the link for Easy Power Chords again.


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