Subject: Puke Green With Envy

Hey Friend,

The number 3 reason why you should focus all your efforts on playing guitar instead of putting all your time and money into home improvement projects is...

Bask in the glow of their envy!

Number 3...

10.    Less Offensive Visually
9.      More Mobile
8.      Less Tools Needed
7.      Less Physically Painful
6.      More Fun Socially
5.      More Impressive
4.      Sexier
3.      More Envy
2.      Less Expensive
1.      More Respect

No one's going to come out and say it (unless they're a close friend or family member), but people will envy you whenever you show off your guitar skills.  You might hear comments like "I tried to learn guitar once," or "I had to give up lessons for baseball" or some silly excuse like that.

Give up guitar for baseball? That doesn't even compute in my head!

That's because they don't want to highlight the fact that they're quitters. They didn't stick with it through the learning curve and got discouraged and quit. That's why they envy you - you're not a quitter! 

You've stuck it out through the sore fingers, the wacky concepts and the weird contortions. You invested your time and effort and can now make songs come out of your guitar. 

You had a vision - a dream - to play guitar. And you did it. You didn't dabble at it. You didn't whine and say "it's too hard!" No, you just got to it, stuck with it, and made it happen. You weren't a weenie about it and caved in when your finger tips hurt a little bit.

They're jealous. Because you DID something and they didn't (couldn't). 

Yeah, you won't get the accolades from friends and family, but there will be plenty of people that will appreciate and enjoy the music you bring to the world.

That floor is just gonna sit there getting walked on. That toilet - just a necessary component of modern living. But your guitar is a working piece of art you expertly handle to bring new sounds into the world. 

You have the power of creation at your finger tips. That's practically God-like. And worthy of the envy those lesser mortals have for you!




P.S. - Alrighty, y'all know I'm just yapping tongue-in-cheek. I'm really not hating on the whole home improvement skill set (or friends and family). And I'm not about having an inflated head. It's good to be multi-talented. But guitar is just a lot more fun, IMHO.

Using power chords early on increases the fun because you quickly get to play the songs you like, instead of waiting for weeks or months to learn them. Easy Power Chords unlocks the key to these little beasts and gets you rocking within minutes. Get down with your bad self with Easy Power Chords!
Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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