Subject: Public Service Announcement


Hey Friend,

Guitar is a gateway habit to musical addiction.

If you are not very careful and aware of your tendencies, you will get hooked and no one can save you - not even Guitars Anonymous.

Remember that scene from the movie Wayne's World when Wayne (Michael Myers) is drooling over the Fender Stratocaster?

"Oh yes, it will be mine"

You will be mine...

That's me.

Leafing through the latest Sweetwater catalog, my heart starts racing and I get a little sweaty. I start fantasizing about holding those glorious curves and caressing the smooth finishes. Running my hand up the neck and hitting those strings...

They're all beautiful and I can visualize holding each one in my arms...

Inevitably, I end up on their website to look at all the pretty guitars, amps and accessories.

What's your favorite guitar pin-up?

Are you into traditional models like the Fender Stratocaster or Gibson Les Paul? Or do you like to get a little freaky (like me) with a BC Rich Mockingbird or a Gibson Explorer or Flying V? Or maybe you've got an extreme fetish and like something more along the lines of a BC Rich Bich (my current fave) or Warlock?

Whatever it is, dreaming about your next guitar is a gateway to all sorts of other ecstasies...

You need to consider the sound you want to achieve, so that leads you into amplifiers. There are as many options with amps as there are with guitars!

Do you go for vintage tones with a Fender, Vox or Marshall tube amp, or something more modern like a solid-state Randall or Line 6?

Of course, there's all the boutique amps, too. I'm a huge Mesa Boogie fan and will one day have either a Roadster or Mark V (I once had an S.O.B.). You could also go with an amp modeler (again, Line 6) or a profiler like a Kemper?

See what I mean? Once you acquire a taste and start coming back for seconds, it's a slippery slope. You get into harder and heavier stuff...

Look at me - I was a respectable music student, starting out with violin. When that didn't quite satisfy the need, I upped it to guitar. Ahh, now I was feeling the rush, if you can call John Denver acoustic folk songs a rush! Then I tried a little Barry Manilow (my parents were horrified) and the Eagles, and before anyone could intervene, I was well on my way to AC/DC, Rush, Led Zeppelin and Boston. Now anything goes - Slayer, Avenged Sevenfold, Slipknot, Wham!

See, it doesn't stop with guitar. I started wandering into the seedier side of music, looking at bass guitars (gotta love a little low-end), then synthesizers and keyboards. I've even gone as far as looking at drum kits (truly raunchy - you know it's true, drummers!). JK, drummers are some of my favorite people!

I knew I'd hit the point of no return when I bought an audio interface and started learning how to record. I was KO'd and would forever be chasing "the sound."

Listen, nothing can be done for me now. Save yourself before it's too late! As you can tell, I've already been lost - don't mourn for me.

It's how I wanted it.

At least my family knows it wasn't all going up my nose...

Oh, you're still here? I guess it's too late for you, too.

Are you feeling saucy? Take that realization and own it. Might as well go out swinging, right?

Stop resisting the hypnotic power of the 5 chord - power chords dominate the Rock guitar world, and they will help you dominate most of your guitar-learning challenges. You can learn all about these beauties in Easy Power Chords today.


Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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