Subject: Playing Over A Minor

Hey Friend,

We’re up to the A minor chord in our study of how the C major intervals sound played over the chords that occur naturally within the key.

The A minor chord is created by combining the A, C and E notes. If you recall, the C major scale uses the same notes as the A minor scale, and the Am triad uses the 1, 3 and 5 notes from the A minor scale. It stands to reason that these notes will sound good over A minor.

C major
1   2  3   4  5   6  7   (8)
C  D  E  F  G  A  B  (C)

A minor
1   2  3   4  5   6  7   (8)
A  B  F  G  (A)

With the exercise, the major third (E), major sixth (A) and perfect octave intervals from the C major scale will clearly work here. But the perfect fifth (G) works great as well. This G note is what you would add to an A minor triad to make it an Am7 chord.

As I listen to the MP3, I find it interesting that the C note seems off to me even though it is part of the Am chord. I wonder if that’s because the C note is responsible for the minor tone in the Am triad.

I think we each have tones that seem to resonate better personally. I am drawn towards major tonalities, while you might prefer minor tonal qualities.

Nothing wrong with either preference, it’s just how we happen to be wired.

Here’s the MP3 for the A minor exercise:

We’re just about done. We’ll look at B diminished tomorrow, and after that, I think we’re gonna switch things up a bit...


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Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

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Video Surgeon
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