Subject: Passion and Action...

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Hey there Friend,

What's up?! Hope you're having a rockin' week. Let's answer a question today...

This one comes from Kenneth. He writes, "I started playing the guitar when I was 17 yrs and 6 months and im 19 now... and I am improving @ a normal rate.... but i wanna make a career out of music... how do i approach my goal???"

Kenneth, I started writing out all sorts of questions to ask yourself about your goals in life, what you love to do, what you enjoy most about your life now. In fact, I've come back to this question at least three times. I wrote close to 2000 words, but something didn't feel right.

I wrote all this great stuff, yet it felt like I was merely re-hashing all the things I've read about success and building your career. I wasn't getting to the heart of your question, though. Don't get me wrong, these things I wrote down are all good concepts to learn and apply, but I was looking to get behind the essence of the question - What do you really need to know and do RIGHT NOW!

Let's be honest. You might really have enjoyed what I had to say in that email. You might even have spent some time thinking about it and writing things down. But there's a good chance you'd end up doing the exact same thing that has kept me from reaching most of my largest, most important goals.

The two real keys to achieving anything in your life is P-A-S-S-I-O-N and A-C-T-I-O-N! Getting off your ass and out into the fray. PASSION and ACTION! Period!

You must go do what you want to do, what you love doing. You have got to do to draw attention to yourself and create opportunities for yourself. Doing will make the biggest difference in how your life progresses.

You have to be doing something that makes you happy - that's the bottom line. What makes you happy? Not your family, not your girlfriend, not your friends. You.

You must also do it NOW. You have to strike while the feeling is strong. This will help push you past fears and self-imposed limitations. Truthfully, I get in my own way more often than any other roadblock to my growth and success.

Before you start down the path of thinking you're not ready, STOP! It does not matter what you think your skill level is at this moment. It is far more important to get moving in the direction you want to go.

You've heard the analogy about rolling rocks, right. The hardest part is getting the rock moving - rocking it back and forth to build some momentum. Once it is moving, it's much easier to keep it moving - ya gotta break that inertia first.

It's scary as Hell to step out of the tiny little box that is our personal space and comfort zone. Even venturing out a couple feet can send you scurrying back. But passion and action can overcome any fears we have.

I have often felt like a failure because I was comparing myself to someone else. Often those people took different actions and risks than I was willing to take at the time, which is why they succeeded at reaching some goal they had versus not reaching it. They had the passion and action to move themselves forward despite fears and challenges.

Question for you - do you practice your guitar all the time? I would hazard to say that if you don't, guitar is most likely not your passion. Now I didn't say music couldn't be your passion and/or profession, I just said guitar probably isn't it. You might love guitar and enjoy playing it, but it may only be a tool you use to write your music. Or maybe you play rhythm guitar while you sing and let someone else take up lead guitar duties. Have you done anything to really explore that statement? Have you played together with anyone else? Have you started looking for a band?

This is me. I love guitar and have been playing for a long time, but I realized I don't really want to be the lead guitar player. Being a good solid rhythm player is every bit as important as someone who can rip up the fingerboard at 200 beats per minute (actually, more important in my opinion).

In fact, for me it's more about songwriting and production. I love the way melody, harmony and rhythm work together. And then you add lyrics with words arranged in just that certain way to elicit the most emotionally charged reactions. Even for people who don't consider themselves musical, this is powerful.

A couple final words…

Shut out the noise - the information overload coming at you, the general cacophony of the message that being a musician is a hard road where your odds of success are a fraction of a fraction of a percent. This is the old model, one propagated by the old music business, by friends and family looking out for "your best interests."

You've heard that saying "perception is reality?" Well, this is true, but your perception is not necessarily the same as the perception other people have of you. We often see ourselves as less than what others see us as. The truth is, if we can conceptualize something, then we can achieve it as long as we are willing to do the things necessary to make it happen.

There are a lot of ways to make a living in music these days - it is much more possible than back when I started in music. In fact, here's a free e-book on how to make $100000/year as a musician.

Now I need to go take my own advice - back to work! Hope that helps - Rock on!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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