Subject: Own What You Know

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I talked about how to start embracing your inner rock star. If you look at the list again, you'd agree it's not much different than if you wanted to be a pro athlete or a top notch business person. 

You need to learn the skills and technical details of your profession.

You have to practice those skills to a point where they're second nature.

You must apply those skills on a daily basis.
  1. So they don't get rusty, and...
  2. So your individual style starts to emerge.
This is when you really begin to fine tune the skills and traits that scream "You," that become your signature.

Finally, you can't just sit back and coast. You have to continually stretch yourself to keep fresh and relevant. Remember, you keep your tribe coming back by giving them something to get excited about - if you're not stretching yourself, they're going to get bored.

Not everyone will like your new stuff, but you have to keep growing. Nothing is static. You're either growing or you're dying. 

The last thing I alluded to yesterday is the confidence factor.

You must own what you know.

Every musician (athlete, business person, mom, dad) has a lot to learn. There's always something we can do to improve our skill set. You're never going to know everything.

Don't let that hold you back.

Despite the fact that there are books, courses and mentors willing to "show you ropes," every one of us are unique. We all seem to need to knock around a bit trying to do it our way. That must be our inner-child coming out, like a four year-old  - "I do it myself!"

There will always be elements of your growth that will be distinctly different than any other success story out there. Don't be stubborn - take advice and help when you can get it.

But always own what you know and exploit that.

I think many of us get locked up in what we don't know - as if what we don't know disqualifies us from acting on and doing what we DO know. It's as if not knowing something or not being the absolute best is a mark of failure - and that we should just give up because it doesn't come naturally to us.

That's total bull-pucky.

Keep studying and learning and practicing. Keep improving. And be proud of what you do know. Because there are a million guitar players out there that envy you.

Yes, YOU!

But when it comes to stepping up and taking action, DO based on what you know and ignore the rest. Focus your energy on rocking out the skills you have.

I'm not saying stop learning and adding to your guitar abilities. 

If you're a bad-ass at the A minor pentatonic scale, rock that puppy - be the best freakin' pentatonic scale-playing rocker you can be. Practice that scale until your fingers can walk the fret board with your eyes closed. But keep looking to the next technique you can add to your bag of tricks.

Yessi, you say you can play power chords? Boom, you're ready to rock! You can join a band today knowing how to play these. But also keep working on playing open and barre chords.

There are hundreds of millions of musicians out there, playing, writing, recording and performing, that don't have your ability. 

Use what you know to strengthen your foundation and show your confidence by playing it without fear. You'll add skills and tone and beauty with new techniques, but you're awesome at your current level. Own that fact!

You got this...



P.S. I wasn't kidding about joining a performing band with basic power chord knowledge. The fact you can play recognizable chords in that capacity is enough to play thousands of Rock, Blues and Country songs. 

Did you know there are at least half a dozen ways to play each power chord? Want to grow your power chord vocabulary? I've put together chord charts for over 250 power chords you can rock out today. You can get Easy Power Chords right here.
Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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