Subject: Oops... I Did it Again.

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Hey Friend,

Do you remember that Y2K song by Britney Spears?

It was all about creating a false sense of belief and leading someone on... maybe not intentionally, or maybe so...

But a very effective formula for creating an emotion that really captured the pop music world for Britney. She fostered that bad girl image and ran with it.

I have to admit I let my guard down and fell for it.

Got myself caught up in the job world. Half believed that I could fit into that semi-defined box of "do's and don'ts," of politics and promises. Bought into the sham...

What's all the whining for? I found myself gainfully unemployed this past Sunday. My recruiter had been trying to reach me since the end of the day Friday. Since she had made herself a sort of "Chicken Little" with all of her follow-up calls at the beginning of this engagement, and since her text message was somewhat innocuous ("Hey, I have an update about your assignment at M#$rs"), I didn't give it a second thought.

I should have begun to suspect something was up when she texted and called on Saturday while I was busy laying down flooring. By Sunday afternoon when she texted and called again, it was time to call her back (I'm not completely naive!).

I'm not sure what happened. There was no feedback or real explanation. It doesn't even make sense - I still have the office key and no one has asked for it back. And the recruiter hasn't called me back. So I guess it's time to move on...

Needless to say, this little excursion hasn't restored any faith I had in employers and working a job...

What's any of this got to do with you and guitar playing?

I've been growing this site and teaching guitar for a long time - on the side of doing the normal 9-5 thing. I've been wondering if the Universe is trying to tell me something about "working for the man." Is it time I make the shift to growing my teaching business? Phasing "Corporate America" out of my life for good?

Maybe you can help me decide...

You found Learn To Play Rock Guitar and subscribed to the newsletter because you felt like you might be able to pick up some tips on guitar playing - or maybe it was the free chord charts.

Many of my subscribers have indicated that guitar chords are a either a challenge or that they would like to get a better understanding of how and why chords work in music. In fact, chord related questions are what I receive most often.

My private and group students confirmed this as well.

Because chords are such a fundamental aspect of playing guitar, I've thought for a long time that I should focus my efforts on helping you get a solid grasp on learning chords and applying them in music.

By getting a solid foundation in guitar chords, you can:
  • understand where to get the notes for a melody and why it works
  • build your hand strength
  • develop your creativity
  • improve finger dexterity
  • learn how to create compelling solos
  • melt hearts and more...
But is this something that matters to you?

I'd like to ask you a favor. Would you be willing to take a few minutes and fill out a short survey for me? I'd like to know just how interested you might be in a focused course on guitar chords, from basic rock chords to more advanced chord structures and usages.

More than that, the course would also give specific examples of chords used in songs (and how they're used).

So we wouldn't just focus on theory - you'd get application, too.

Would that be helpful to you? Let me know here.

Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to do this - have a great weekend and Rock On!


Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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