Subject: Oh, My Aching Head...

Hey Friend,

Do you ever wake up with a headache? I wish I could say I had a great story to go along with the numbingly distracting pain, but I don't.

Just a quiet night at home with the family last night...

In fact, considering it's Sunday and there's nothing pressing on the agenda, I didn't even have to get up early today. You'd think I'd feel super rested... but again, I don't.

On days like this when I'm straddling the fence between being a zombie and human, I need to ease into things a bit more slowly than usual.

Know what I'm saying?

It happens like that with guitar playing, too. Some days you're on fire and your fingers are hitting on all cylinders (like a finely tuned engine). Everything is just working.

Other days you're lucky if your fingers can even find the fingerboard!

When I have days like this, I tend to scale back to basics and slow everything down.

I'll play through some scales and noodle around a bit just to get my fingers used to the movements. Or I might play some simple chord progressions to jump-start my brain into a creative mode.

A lot of times it's playing through some of the songs I've learned over the years.

And inevitably, those quick little jaunts incorporate power chords.


Power chords are very easy to use, even for folks that are just starting out.

Power chords use very simple fingerings and don't usually call for any uncomfortable shapes. That means your fingers can remember them - and use them - quickly. Often the first time you learn them.

You do have to learn where power chords are located on the guitar neck - that's why I put together over 250 chord charts in Easy Power Chords. These charts show chord locations for each power chord, all over the fingerboard.

This way you can start off with easy shapes and progress to the more challenging power chords later.

"Come on and ease on down the road" (Michael Jackson in "The Wiz") with Easy Power Chords!



P.S. The fog is lifting and the head is clearing a bit... Thanks for helping!
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