Subject: New personalized guitar lessons for you

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Hey there Friend,

When you signed up to receive the printable guitar chord charts or email series, you may have had the option to tell me your biggest guitar problems, goals or questions. Over time (gosh, almost 5 years online now!), I've been able to learn a few things about the struggles new guitar players encounter when they're first getting started.

There seems to be a pretty common thread in a lot of the feedback I get. Basically, it all comes down to one theme - how do I get started playing guitar? Sure, I see it in the form of different questions and comments, like:

  •     How do I play chords?
  •     How do I learn notes?
  •     How do I get my fingers to work right?
  •     How do I play my favorite songs?
  •     Why can't I make it sound like the guys (or girls) on the song?

Boil these down to the root need for beginner guitarists and it's this:

It's all about learning the basics of guitar playing and building a good solid foundation so you can reach your musical goals.

Want an introductory, personalized lesson? Sign up here today for your complimentary half-hour guitar lesson!

Maybe you've tried a few different ways of learning guitar, like watching YouTube videos or finding free information online (heck, I provide a lot of free stuff on my website). You may have purchased a DVD, book or course to try and learn the basics of guitar. And maybe these methods helped you some. But for some reason, you don't seem to be making any progress, or you end up more confused than when you started.

Don't get me wrong - these approaches can be OK if you understand the very basic fundamentals of guitar, like how to hold it, which fingers go where and the like. But if you don't have the basics down, you can spend a lot of time hunting for the little nuggets of information to get you playing guitar like you want. And then there's always the question in the back of your mind nagging at you - am I doing things right?

Listen, I've been there. I've bought bunches of courses, downloaded free materials, hunted down YouTube videos, joined all sorts of mailing lists. But there was always something lacking. I was getting all sorts of information, but I seemed to be bouncing all over the place without a consistent plan to improve my playing.

If you know anything about sports, every team learns to work together by following a set of patterns (plays) put together in a playbook. Since everyone knows their part in each play, they work as a team (rather than a bunch of individuals) to win games. These playbooks give them the tools and strategies to win. And they have a coach to plan out how to use these plays.

You need the same thing when learning to play guitar. You need the tools and techniques (the plays) and a coach to get you to your goal of playing guitar (the game plan).

This is where I'd like to help.

I am opening up a handful of private lesson time slots to my rockin' subscribers. I will provide custom lessons over the internet using Skype, so you can be anywhere in the world and we can still rock out together! I design each lesson based on your needs and goals, so every lesson is unique. I've only got 10 spots available, and I'd like to help anyone that is:

  •    just getting started with guitar
  •    having trouble with the basics, like tabs, chords, chord progressions and learning songs
  •    wanting to move from being a beginner to becoming an intermediate player

We'll get together for a complimentary lesson so we can get to know each other better and I can assess your guitar skills. Then we'll decide if we want to work together. There's absolutely no obligation to continue lessons if we decide against it.

If you happen to be an intermediate to advanced guitarist and you're looking for help, I can help get you, too. As a member of an international guitar teacher's association, I can get you hooked up with a professional instructor for lessons and coaching, no matter what musical style you prefer.

There are a few requirements you must have so that we can work together:

  •     First, you have to have a good internet connection.
  •     Second, you will need a webcam and a microphone so we can see and hear each other.
  •     Third, you'll need your guitar (and amp, if it's an electric guitar). It would be pointless to have lessons without these :-).
  •     Lastly, you must speak and understand English (Unfortunately, as an American our educational system doesn't put as much importance on learning a second language as many other countries, so my French, Spanish and Russian is REALLY rusty!).

To get started with your complimentary guitar lesson, just go fill out my
online lesson questionnaire and fill out the information form so I can start working on your custom lesson plan.

I'm limited to only 10 time slots, so please don't wait to fill out the questionnaire so we schedule your complimentary half-hour lesson. I expect these time slots will go fast, so don't waste any time!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

Follow Learn To Play Rock Guitar:

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I review products before recommending them. If you buy a product based on my recommendation, I will receive a commission. However, my emails also contain links that don’t require any investment on your part and are jam-packed with "juicy, guitar learnin' tastiness".

We don't rent or share your name with anybody. Feel free to forward this issue to any friends you think would enjoy its contents. They will thank you. So will I.

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