Subject: Need to get back to the woodshed...

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash
Hey Friend,

Hope you and yours are doing well right now.

Yeah, I know I’ve been a stranger. 

No, I haven’t ghosted you...

Gotta say I’ve been in a really weird headspace, but haven’t we all?

With everything going on in the world, there’s a disconnect with how we lived our lives a few months ago and the current state of affairs.

Heck, just stringing together a handful of words for even the simplest of ideas has been like trying to herd cats - - really frustrating!
When I think I’ve finally got a message worthy of your eyeballs…

Give it some time for the “dough to rise,” so to speak…

Come back to it and it’s flat!

Kinda like the idea that there are simple tricks you can use that’ll make you a better guitarist faster.

I mean, guitar should be simple, right?

Pick it up and play… 

How hard can it be?

You just KNOW that in a few weeks you’re gonna get the call to sit in on the next jam session with your favorite guitar player...

Alright, maybe I’m exaggerating a little

You see, this is where we get messed up in our heads. We think it should be simple, easy even, to strap on this instrument and play a tune. 

No such luck.

But open up YouTube and there you have video evidence - the latest upload from the virtuoso of the day making it ‘look' so easy. Jammin’ away with their buds making gorgeous recordings.

And if your YouTube is targeting you like mine is, you’re seeing minutes-long commercials from guitar teachers wanting to hook you up with the their version of “the secret” behind learning guitar the fastest, easiest way possible.

I get it… Easy sells. 

But deep down you know the truth...

There ain't no “fast and easy.”

And how do you know? 

‘Cause like everything else you’ve done in your life that means something, it's required you to put in the time and effort to get the skills.

‘Cause maybe you’ve been hammering away at this guitar thing for a while now, and it's got its own little Wonderland you have to figure out as you go, with its twists and turns…

Effortless to stumble into, and you never find the way out. The deeper you get, the more you uncover that you don’t know yet.

Plus there’s that old saying that “nuthin’ comes easy."

The promise and lure of easy is just a smokescreen to the true secret behind success…

Hate to cuss at you, but here’s the dirty four-letter word:

The work is practice.

Pick up the instrument and practice <something>.

Make it a scale, or a progression, a strum, or a song. 

Do it for 5 minutes, even if you don’t want to.

I’ve got to admit, I really haven’t been feeling “practicing” lately (see above… weird headspace and all). 

But “feelin’ it” and simply doing something can be mutually exclusive events. 

I’ve still been regularly grabbing a guitar and putting fingers to frets. It’s not great practice, but it keeps the fingertips in shape and the heart engaged. 

Okay, so maybe guitar is simple… just not easy!

That said, I’d like to know: How’s your playing going?

Have you tried out any of these guitar teachers advertising on YouTube? 

Are you practicing regularly (since we have COVID mandated alone time), or have you been experiencing a similar “guitar depression?”

Inquiring minds want to know!



P.S. Just know this: the REAL secret to guitar success is:
    1) Get started, and...
    2) Don’t quit.

You’ve already got half the battle won! Now just keep at it. Rock on~
Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them downor create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows,if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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