Subject: Major to Dominant 7th Substitutions

Hey Friend,

The first chord substitution to look at is taken from set of exercises we’re looking at are taken from yesterday’s message. I gave you the progression G C7 D to try out, and last night I worked out the tabs for you.

First off, I wanted you to recognize the difference in a major chord and a dominant 7th, so the first system on the PDF shows changing between the C and C7 chords. 

Listen to the change in how the chords sound.

When you hear the second chord, it’s as if C major decided to flip you off in a playful way. Like, “whatever, man!"

What’s happening in the shift is the addition of a minor 7 note (A#) to the C major chord. Since we're playing a C chord, we're using the C major scale to get our notes for the chord.

1  2  3 4 5  6 7  (8)
C D E F G A B (C)

We go from having notes C E G to C E G A# (A# is the 7th note B taken down a half step).

That minor 7th note is what give us the distinctive color of a dominant 7th chord.

The second system demonstrates a normal I IV V I progression, a staple in Rock music.

The third system substitutes the IV chord with a IV7. Notice the change in feel for the progression. It’s almost as if the C chord turned up it’s collar and is going to be a little rebellious!

See, when you start substituting chords, it’s like coloring outside the lines. Or maybe you’re more interested in drawing your own lines instead of someone telling where you can color.

Play through these until you get comfortable with the fingerings. Think about how the major and dominant 7 chords sound different. 

How would you describe the sound?


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them downor create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows,if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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