Subject: Keys in the Scheme of Things

Hey Friend,

Sent my baby girl off to Tallahassee this morning for a Cross Country race with her team. Wish we could have gone to watch and cheer… but j.o.b.

Okay, back to notes. I want to make a point about different keys and the scales that come from them. 

When most people listen to a song, what do you think their first thought is?

“Gee, I wonder what key this is in?” 

Or maybe... 

“Wow, what an odd key for a song to be in!” 

Nope, not the normal response. The average listener doesn’t even know there is such a thing as a musical key. And they certainly don’t recognize that there are different ones except for a couple exceptions.

One exception is when the song changes keys in the middle of it. Thing is, they don’t know what happened, just that the notes bumped up or down. And frankly, they don’t care - it just sounds cool to them.

The other exception is when someone musical talks about it. Not that they necessarily understand what the musician is going on about, but let’s just call it an awareness.

Here’s what I’m getting at...

In the end, it doesn’t matter what key a song happens to be in because the notes will always sound correct as long as they are part of that key.

When you listen to the resulting song, the key is irrelevant. It’s the intervals between each note in the key - the scale pattern. As long as you follow the pattern and use the notes defined by that pattern, you’re golden.

That’s why when you hear two scales played one after the other, even though the notes are different, the scale sounds the same to your ears.

Your ears know exactly what a major scale is supposed to sound like, and they’ll let you know when it sounds off. It’s like our ears are specifically tuned to recognize the changes in the sound wave frequencies and the what the proper intervals between them are.

Anyway, I’ve put together a ton of material around keys and scales, with MP3s and PDFs of the patterns, but they’re buried inside zipped files, so I've got to do some hunting to get them out to you. 

But of course, that j.o.b. is getting in the way of our plans… again! So it’ll have to wait until tomorrow and/or Sunday. Stay tuned...

Oh, Happy Friday!


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them downor create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows,if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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