Subject: Keeping Positive Over F Major

Hey Friend,

The C major scale sounds pretty good over an F chord. The fact that the C note is part of the chord helps, I’m sure.

The F major triad is made with the F, A and C notes, so the tonic of C major (C) clearly works well with it. It’s the IV chord in the key of C major, so overall it’s got a very positive sound.

The A note is the major sixth interval, and F is the perfect fourth.

As I listen to each interval, almost all the notes sound pretty good over F. The only one that sounds a little sour to me is the B note (sixth system).

And yet, I get a distinct feel from that interval over the F chord. There is that tension of the unknown, like something is about to happen, but you don’t know if it will be good or bad.

Even though it’s an uncomfortable sound, it can still be incredibly useful. Like when you want to lead the listener from a state of conflict to a conclusion.

At this point, you could resolve that feeling by moving up to the C note in the melody or you could take it back down to G for a positive end. But maybe you want to leave them feeling uneasy, so you could use an E note to do that.

Take a listen to the key of C intervals over an F chord and see what you think:

You should know the C major scale by heart at this point, but here's the PDF again, just in case you need it.

Hope your week is going well. Have a great day!


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Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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