Subject: Joe Perry in Guitar Tricks Insider

Hey Friend,

Hope the weekend is going well for you! 

As I was bouncing around yesterday, cleaning up email and just generally taking it easy, I opened up one from Guitar Tricks. 

Awhile back, they started an online magazine called Guitar Tricks Insider that usually has some pretty cool info. 

This particular one has Joe Perry from Aerosmith on the cover. That was enough to get me to stop and open the magazine up…

It’s Joe Perry! The guy behind “Dream On” and "Walk This Way” (you’re welcome, Run-DMC). 

Anyway, good stuff. Then I noticed Joe Walsh is in there, too! Talking about “Rocky Mountain Way,” another one of my favorite classics! I actually took lessons from a guy that was in one of Joe’s first bands, and my first band played “Rocky Mountain Way” and “Life’s Been Good.”

So yeah, a nice walk down Memory Road for me. Then I turn a page and there’s a highlight of more 70s songs with incredible guitar work.

I’d encourage you to take a few minutes and leaf through the magazine.

Oh, and if you’re wanting to get in on the savings with Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar course, today is the deadline to save $85 plus free shipping. After midnight, the price goes back up. 

The creator and instructor Steve Krenz is a master guitar player whose recorded and performed with Grammy winning artists. He’s also a really nice guy!

You can check out some sample lessons right here

See what I mean? Super nice, and a great teacher!

This course was a huge help for me when I was trying to get back into playing. It’s great for both beginners and anyone coming back to guitar after being away - even for decades…

Check it out if you’re interested. And have an awesome Sunday!


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Just so's you knows,if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
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