Subject: I'm Sorry...

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Hey there Friend,

First off, some apologies. I haven't been able to get a weekly email out and respond to people as quickly as I'd like for a couple reasons. Besides the normal day-to-day of a full-time job and family commitments, I am also taking two online courses from Berklee College of Music. One is Songwriting, and the other is Music Production.

These are free 6-week courses offered on I didn't recommend them to you first off because this is a new program and I wanted to check it out first. So far response has been phenomenal to the classes, so with luck they will repeat them. I can say so far it's been a great experience and I'm learning a lot, but it's just like taking any university online course, so there's lots of lectures and a weekly assignment, quizzes and forum interaction.

I'm considering taking the Introduction to Guitar class coming up in April, and I'd recommend you look at it, too. It's being taught by Thaddeus Hogarth, a professor at Berklee and professional musician. While I probably already know much of what will be taught, I'm of the belief that everyone can teach me something, and since he is a teacher, I might learn how to better help others play guitar.

Take a look and see if your schedule will allow the time. The price is right, and based on how my current courses are going, you'll learn a lot!

Add on top of all of that, I'm working on a new book (about guitar power chords)! Let's just say I'm spread a little thin.

I do have a couple topics I'm working through, and frankly, the more ideas I get written down, the bigger the topics get, so I need to whittle some things down in a logical way so I'm not sending you a complete book to read each week!

Plus, right now, I just don't have the physical time to research and write as much. Maybe once my book becomes a best seller I can teach and play guitar full time ;-)

Unfortunately, being a guy and having the "guy challenge" of only being able to do one thing at a time well doesn't serve me well when I have all these projects to work on.

So I'm not neglecting you, I'm just a little behind! I'm sorry, please forgive me...



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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I review products before recommending them. If you buy a product based on my recommendation, I will receive a commission. However, my emails also contain links that don’t require any investment on your part and are jam-packed with "juicy, guitar learnin' tastiness".

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