Subject: How Coaches Get Better Performance Out of Athletes

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Do you want to get better at playing guitar?

Use your iPhone, iPad or Android phone to video-record each practice session.

Why is this important?

Playing guitar has a lot of moving parts. Both hands are doing things, whether you're doing chord changes and riffs with your fretting hand, or you're finger-picking a complex passage with the strumming hand.

That's not all. Most likely you're tapping a foot or bobbing your head to help keep time. You're watching where your hands are going until you have confidence that they know what to do on their own. And so on.

Can you possibly be aware of every potential problem with your playing?

I'm not saying you're going to blow every chord change or make play notes willy-nilly all over the fret board. But you will make mistakes.

You need to know how to fix them. So they don't come back.


Steve Vai practices for hours (I've read upwards of 15 hours a day) to master his guitar. Now he's pretty meticulous and has developed an effective system of practice... for him.

Most of us don't have that level of discipline or time. So we need to make the most of the practice time we get.

We need to identify problems in our playing before they become muscle memory and a bad habit we have to break. Ya know, nip it in the bud before it becomes an issue...

By first deciding what to focus that practice session on and then recording the focus area, you then have solid evidence of what you're doing well... and what you can improve on.

If you're a beginner and you have a instructor, they can analyze your video. If you're advanced, you can analyze it yourself - you know when there are areas that can be improved.

Additionally, you're going to play differently in front of your instructor that you will when you practice. You're gonna do things that might not be best for your long-term playing. Showing them a video of a practice session will help them help you.

Coaches Know It

This improvement process is not new. Pro athletes use video to record performance so they can identify anything that might help them get better.

Golfers video their swings and putts. Baseball players video their throwing technique. Football players - their running, passing and blocking. Coaches analyze and give suggestions on how to do each technique better.

You can do the same using your phone and Video Surgeon.

Make the video with your smart phone. Transfer it to a computer. Open the video in Video Surgeon.

Then analyze your playing. Slow it down. Zoom in. Pinpoint exact areas to work on and loop it.

Practice those areas with corrections until you have them mastered.

All you need is a demo of Video Surgeon to test it out for yourself. Download today.


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