Subject: How About Both?

Hey Friend,

Woo, what a long day! I got to the job site on time and made it until the end of the day without crashing, but I'm glad I only have to do this for a few weeks!

The little survey I sent out yesterday has yielded some results. So far, the majority of folks are interested in focusing on key chord groups. 

But there have been compelling arguments for doing it by pitch, too,  so I think I'm going to take a hybrid approach to the process.

We'll look at the chords in a key, but along the way we will also explore the chords you can substitute in place of the "normal" harmonic progression. This will give us the best of both sides.

So plan not only on understanding how specific chords fit together, but also how you can change a chord in a progression to move it in a different direction emotionally. When you know how to do this, you can really tap in to your creativity.

You'll begin to understand that once you get the patterns down, your brain will take over and you'll be able to easily follow a song's progression.

I've been thinking about it, and instead of starting off with the key of C major like I normally would, we're going to kick it off with the key of G or D major. There are tons of songs we can reference that use these keys (not that C major doesn't, but what do ya say, let's mix it up).

Well, got to get back to it. Talk to you tomorrow.

