Subject: Happy Valentine's Day

Hey Friend,

I'm kind of excited today...

Not only is it the International day for LOVE, but in a word...


My wife and I are having a date and going to see the new movie today for Valentine's Day.

I'm such a romantic!

Hopefully you'll forgive me for being brief, but much to do and little time...

Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about the results of my little five minute interlude with my guitar yesterday. I couldn't very well tell you to show your guitar some lovin' and then not go and do it myself, now could I?

Let's just say that anyone can come up with a good idea in a flash - all it takes is the discipline to sit down and do it.

Maybe it's not a Top 10 hit, but it represents you taking some initiative and trying...

Make it a habit. Do it every day, even if it's only for five minutes.

Magic happens when you make it a habit.

Okay, gotta roll, Peeps. Gonna go watch some bad people get a butt-whoppin'!



P.S. If you're looking to stimulate your inspiration, you can start with power chords. I show you all the chords you need in Easy Power Chords to get it flowing. Check it here!
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