Subject: Happy Thanksgiving!

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Hey Friend,

Happy Thanksgiving! Even if you don't happen to live in the United States, it's always a good idea to take some time for reflecting on what you can be thankful for. Gratitude is one of those emotions that will have a tremendous effect on your outlook in any situation. (Here's a little on the history of Thanksgiving day)

What are you grateful for?

Family and friends?
Food to eat?
A roof over your head?

For most of us, these things usually get taken for granted. But today I'd like you to just think for a moment how grateful you are that you have what you have.

Your situation might not be perfect - it seldom is. One thing I've come to realize over the years is despite how things seem at any given moment in time, they will work out, and usually for the better. Today is a perfect day to remember that.

Be happy for whatever is good in your life right ow. It's a much better frame of mind to be in.

Remember, we have guitar. What better reason is there to smile than guitar? Be thankful for the ability to place your hands on that guitar and create sound.

Furthermore, I'm thankful for you! You give me the reason to continue to work on my skills so I can help you grow yours.

Tomorrow I'll be back answering a question from my buddy Ian about the twelve bar blues. Thanks, Ian, another great topic to be covered in the upcoming Chords Course!

With gratitude and Peace~


P.S - Let's Turkey Trot!

Sound Copywriting LLC, 89 Prestige Dr Apt 209, Inwood, West Virginia 25428, United States of America
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