Subject: Happy Leap Day 2016

Hey Friend

Wow! Where did February go? I guess technically today is a bonus day for 2016. Day number 60 of 366...

What are you doing with your bonus day?

Time takes no prisoners. It doesn't wait for things to happen. It just moves forward continually ticking off moment after moment, keeping a steady beat.

No prejudice, no malice, no judgment, no agenda.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, on and on...

How we use time... there's the real story. The story of whether we accomplish the most important goals in our life, or we allow the grains to drop through the hourglass without taking full advantage of the time we're given here on earth.

Ah, if only things weren't more complicated.

Most of us must sacrifice time for our goals because we have already obligated ourselves in other areas. We have families and jobs that require our attention, not to mention all the mundane tasks that have to be done each week.

With obligations come expectations that we will perform in certain ways. Unfortunately, these obligations usually fall outside the realm of our own personal goals and dreams.

It's that old saying that life happens when you're busy making other plans...

Life is the leading cause of dream mortality. Our visions of the future change over time to fit within the life that we're currently living. That is all too often a hacked-down version of a distant memory brewing in our minds.

Unless you grow up in an environment that recognizes the importance of dreams, there was no real example of or instruction for achieving those dreams. There may have been some encouragement, but without guidance on how to turn a dream into goals and then goals into a plan to achieve them, dreams remain just that. Dreams.

I have to admit I don't have the answers. I'm still trying to figure out how to make my dreams all come true. I've lived a lot of my life like a boat on the river - less directed and more with the flow of what comes about.

Hindsight is a powerful teacher. I can definitely see points in my life where I thought I was making good decisions based on where I wanted to go in life, and I can see where many of those decisions were blinded by distractions.

When you have a dream, you have to guard it like a treasure chest, and you have to maintain a focus like a laser on the plan to achieve the dream.

And I hate to say this, believe me I do, but you have to limit yourself to just one. One dream. That dream becomes the target. That target becomes the main goal.

Only when you have that one goal can you begin to build a plan of sub-goals.

We're not computers. We can't assign different brain waves to focus on multiple tasks. It's impossible.

We have to decide what we want and maintain dedicated attention to that one goal for however long it takes to achieve it.

While life goes on as if this is just another day, I'm using it to help map some things out. To refocus on my one goal.

I just made a realization. This has to be a year that something changes for the positive in my life. There seems to be a pattern of big changes that happen for me during leap years. The last two leap years had me starting new jobs. I fact, I started the last one on February 29, 2012.

This Leap Year has to be bigger - because the "same-old, same-old" isn't working too well for me!

The good new is, when you are on the way to achieving your dream, many of the other areas of your life fall into line with your dream. You have to break the inertia (this is the toughest part) and pick up speed, but once you do, the engine warms up and things start happening.

If one of your dreams is to play guitar in any capacity, you have to learn how to play guitar chords. I can't think of an easier way to start learning the fundamentals of chords than with Easy Power Chords. With power chords, you gain some key game-changing benefits:
  • you toughen and strengthen your fingers
  • you begin learning the fingerboard
  • you build confidence
Most importantly, you can play songs! From the first day you learn your first power chord, you have the ability to play thousands of songs. Start down the road to making your dream of competent guitar playing a reality with Easy Power Chords today!


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