Subject: Get Your Blues On

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Hey there Friend,

Been strugglin' with your Blues guitar lately? Maybe your Blues chops are non-existent? Do you want to play like Clapton or the Three Kings - Albert, BB and Freddie?

Maybe you play rock guitar exclusively.

Well here's something to think about - Blues guitar is the foundation of rock guitar. Without the development of blues music in the early part of the last century, rock music never would have become what it is today.

Like the Beatles? They started out playing blues. What about Led Zeppelin? Yup, Blues. In fact, listen to any Zeppelin tune and you can clearly hear the blues roots. Eric Clapton? All Blues, baby.

Let me tell you about an awesome new Blues program available now at Guitar Tricks. It's called the Blues Learning System. It's a complete course on DVD that can take you from complete beginner to being that guy - the one that just picks up the guitar and plays Blues effortlessly.

This course give you a boatload of foundation and technique. In fact, you'll learn:

• Full guitar basics course to get you started
• Learn Blues Rhythms - straight, shuffle and swing
• Blues chords
• Playing Blues leads
• Techniques of the Blues masters
• Vibrato and bends
• So much more...

I've talked about Guitar Tricks in the past. They offer up some of the best online guitar instruction you can find anywhere. Maybe you've checked out some of the free Guitar Tricks videos I've sent your way from the GT Channel. If you haven't, sorry man, your loss.

You don't have to keep struggling with Blues guitar. You can get that taken care of right now. Blues doesn't have to be hard!

Here's what you're gonna get when you order:

• The complete course on 12 DVDs
• Two lesson books
• Four jam track CDs so you can practice
• Computer apps like a tuner, scale and chord finder
• Access to a whole community @ the Guitar Tricks Forum
• A 60-day, no questions asked guarantee

If you want to get started today playing blues guitar, you owe it to yourself to check this thing out. You'll take your Blues playing from 0-60 in no time flat with this course. What have you got to lose, except your "blues" because you can't play Blues guitar like you want? Just sayin'.

Get your Blues guitar on now with the Blues Learning System. Take advantage of their Labor Day Sale today and get almost 50% off! And don't forget about the 60-day guarantee - this one's a no-brainer!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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I review products before recommending them. If you buy a product based on my recommendation, I will receive a commission. However, my emails also contain links that don’t require any investment on your part and are jam-packed with "juicy, guitar learnin' tastiness".

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