Subject: Get You A Little Guitar Voodoo

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Hey there Friend,

Why did you start learning guitar? Has anyone ever asked you that question?

Maybe you've never really thought about it. So think about it now - what was your motivation to start learning how to play guitar?

Did you just want to rock? Were you looking to impress someone? Did you want to do it because a family member or friend played? Maybe you just stumbled into picking up guitar. But was that the real reason, or is there something deeper?

I'm going to say to you that you were driven by a deeper need than one of those previous reasons. I think I know what that need is. In fact, I can almost guarantee I know exactly why you started playing guitar.

It all comes down to the music itself. You got grabbed by a song and felt compelled that you need to feel what it's like to play that song, to feel what it's like to perform that music (even if it's just for yourself in your bedroom).

Start learning your favorite songs today!

Any song you love has the ability to play your emotions and take you over. It's the music and the feelings you get from hearing it that drive your need to play. A song can lift you to the height of happiness or drive you to the depths of sadness, sometimes in the same song.  It can drive you to anger, or calm the raging beast inside. Music has power, and you want to command that power by playing those songs you love.

And then there comes the reality - it's not easy to play real music - to play the songs you love, or at least something that sounds like the songs you love. That can be a major source of another emotion - frustration!

Sometimes we could use some expert help to get us past that frustration.

I want you to know about a new promo from one of my favorite online guitar training websites. For the next few days, Guitar Tricks has lowered their annual subscription rate to give you access to thousands of expert instruction videos. The best part?

All the new song lessons!

Ever wanted to play Billy Idol's "White Wedding" or "Rebel Yell"? They're in there. What about "Voodoo Child", by Jimi Hendrix? It's there, too. In fact, the folks at Guitar Tricks add new songs every month. Songs by Johnny Cash, ZZ Top, Roy Orbison, 30 Seconds to Mars and more...

That's on top of the 100's of songs they've licensed in the past. Songs like "Hotel California" (The Eagles), "All Along The Watchtower" (Jimi Hendrix), "Dust in the Wind" (Kansas). Songs from Dream Theater, Avenged Sevenfold, BB King, even George Strait and Garth Brooks for you Country fans. Get the full list of songs here.

In the coming months, more cool songs like "Walking Disaster", by Sum 41. "No Sugar Tonight" and "American Woman", by The Guess Who. Motley Crue, The Allman Brothers, Elvis and more, coming up to satisfy your need to rock.

Just so many songs to choose from - oh wait, you don't have to choose. You get them all!

Sign up today and get access to all the songs AND expert guitar lessons. They've got over 5000 video lessons to take you from total n00b to guitar pro. You just supply the drive and motivation to learn, and they'll teach you the rest.

Whether you're trying to learn on your own, or you're looking to supplement your regular guitar lessons, this is a no-brainer. In fact, right now with the $99 special for an annual subscription, it's less than you'd spend on a monthly date to McDonalds! 12 months access for $8.25 a month (prepaid).

Treat yourself to nearly 400 song lessons and over 4500 more guitar lessons. Before long, people are gonna be wondering why you never played for them before.

This is a limited time deal, so jump on it quick - Let out your "Rebel Yell" and get your "Tush" over to Guitar Tricks today!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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