Subject: G Major Again? Ugh...

Hey Friend,

Whew! The coffee is strong this morning! I guess the better to jolt me into the week...

F# minor was the IIIm chord in the key of D major, so now it's time for the IV - G major:

I   IIm   IIIm  IV V  VIm  VII°
D  Em  F#m G  A  Bm   C#°

So far we've seen G major in the key of C (as the V chord) and the key of G as the I chord. That's it for major keys  but we'll see G major in three minor keys later on.

As the IV chord, it works well pushing a progression towards the V chord or I chord for resolution, but it can stand on its own just fine in the key of D. Landing on a G major chord at the end of a verse or chorus won't leave you hanging with a feeling of unfinished business - it will feel complete and resolved.

It's not so bad - G major is a versatile chord, and since it shows up in the first three keys we've studied, you're going to see it - a lot! So just get used to playing it in the open position and in the barre chord (or power chord) form. Of course, it also makes sense to learn some of its alternate positions so you can spice things up from time to time.

The notes are G, B and D, fitting nicely in the D major scale (D  E  F#  G  A  B  C#). Clean - no sharps, no flats. These exercises review G major, first introducing you to the chord, then showing you the positions up the neck in the various inversion, and finally the barre chords using the E and A shapes from the CAGED system.

G major has always been a favorite of mine. Once I got past the awkward shape, it just became natural to play - like a default chord, considering i is in so many songs. Fitting that it is part of the CAGED system and movable up and down the neck.

Practice G major today, and don't forget to use your pinky on the first string. Yeah, it's a bit of a pain, but later on, you'll realize I was only doing you a solid forcing you to strengthen the little guy up. Rock on, good Peeps!!


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
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