Subject: For Whom The Bell Tolls...

Hey Friend,

Just so's you know... it's me. I'm the one the bell is tolling for...

I'm heading off today to take the "son-of-a-biatch" Micro$oft certification exam that I've been studying for. It's one of those tests that is based not on real-world use of the software, but on clever attempts to trick you into choosing the wrong answers based on some obscure requirement. Not a fan...

Now contrary to the generally accepted meaning of the phrase "for whom the bell tolls," I don't expect to die because of this exam (although I have thought of ending it all during the course of studying for this B.S.).

That's not the only meaning this phrase had back in the day it originated. It first popped up in the poem No Man Is An Island by John Donne, and Englishman in the early 1600s. He was alluding to the connected-ness of all of us. Very Zen...

In that time, a bell was rung for many different reasons. Could be it was a call to the town for an announcement or meeting (what time is it?), or to sound an alert of some kind. Think of the bell as a reminder that an event of some importance is about to or has occurred. So it could also mean someone had passed away.

Which seems to be the most common understanding of the phrase due to its use in more modern times. Ernest Hemingway wrote a book For Whom The Bell Tolls in which the main character is loses his life at the story end.

And of course, we have the song "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica. Based on the lyrics and a bit of research, looks like Metallica referenced the Hemingway novel rather than the original poem.

And yet if you read through the lyrics of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by The Bee Gees, you can get a sense that they were inspired more by the original poem.

Anyway, I've been jawing away for long enough. I need to get back to studying for this crap 'cause it ain't free to take these damn things! Yes, I get to pay for the privilege of sitting for this exam... saving the rant for another day.

I think when I'm done with it, I'm gonna treat myself to a little gear porn by stopping at the Sam Ash located near the testing center. I also have a brew chillin' for my return. It'll either be a victory dance, or something to drown the sorrow...

Talk to you tomorrow...



P.S. I may need some aggressive guitar play afterwards. Guess what kind of chords I'll likely be using... that's right, power chords! Get you some Easy Power Chords right here!
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