Subject: F# Minor Positions

Hey Friend,

Happy Friday! I've got eleven different F# Minor shapes and positions for you today.

But first, let me finish what I started yesterday. 

I was talking about the F#m as the IIIm chord in the key of D major. I gave you its notes and basic construction, but didn't get to pointing out which keys you'll find the chord besides D major. So here goes!

Here are the major keys where F#m show up. Since we're focused on D major right now, I'll start there:

Key  I    IIm   IIIm   IV   V   VIm   VII°
D     Em   F#m  G   A    Bm    C#°
E      F#m G#m  A   B   C#m   D#°
A      A  Bm   C#m  D   E    F#m  G#°

And the minor keys:

Key   Im     II°   III   IVm   Vm   VI   VII
F#m  F#m  G#° A   Bm   C#m   D    E
Bm    Bm   C#°  D   Em   F#m   G    A
C#m C#m  D#°  E  F#m  G#m   A    B

Here are the exercise files introducing F#m.

F#m Positions

Getting back to the F#m positions up the neck, there are four root inversion chords, four first inversion and three second inversion chords. Normally there are more second inversions, so that's a little different. Here are the positions.

If you've been around for a little while, the shapes should be looking somewhat familiar to you. Every minor chord will essentially have the same shapes on the guitar neck. Same for the major chords, the diminished chords, the suspended chords, etc.

Again, once you have memorized the shapes, you just have to remember where to put them to get the chords you want.

Patterns, man, patterns.

That is one of the core secrets to playing guitar. If you learn and practice the basic patterns, you've got plenty of ingredients to play.

These chord shapes are nothing but patterns that repeat all over the neck. Once your fingers know them, all you have to think about is where they belong in the context of what you're playing. Your brain and muscle memory take over and it becomes almost instinctual. 

It's only after chords become automatic that you can then break out and start taking creative liberties. I mean, you can do be creative any time you want, but when the fingers just know where to go for the basics, that frees your mind up to think about those creative embellishments.

Think of it like breathing - you don't have to think about it. You just do it. 

Same goes for these chords. When your fingers just know where to go on the strings, you don't have to put any conscious effort into those actions. They just happen because you will them to happen. 

Keep playing and practicing until this is a reality for you. 

Alright, let's get this week wrapped up! Have a great day!


Products I use, recommend and love:

Easy Power Chords - With power chords you can literally start playing songs today.

Song Surgeon - Slow your audio files down or create custom looped practice sessions so you can target your problem areas and speed up your improvement.

Video Surgeon
- Capture online videos (Youtube and others), slow them down or create custom practice sessions and loops to boost your daily improvement.

Just so's you knows, if you decide to invest in some of these products, I may get paid a commission.
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